
Business Management and Corporate Social Responsibility

On Monday, 6 May, year 11 Business Management students participated in a workshop regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR are the things that businesses do that are over and above what they are required to do by the law.  They are actions which contribute to the community or the environment is a positive way.


This workshop was conducted by Oxfam, and was regarding the treatment of overseas worker with regards to their pay and working conditions. Students first heard about the costs of overseas manufacturing by following the path of cotton to finally become a cotton t-shirt. In the second part of the workshop, students were allocated roles in the Bangladesh garment industry. Students needed to negotiate for better pay and conditions for the largely female workforce. Students were exposed to the concept of a living wage and the benefits of corporations acting in a responsible manner.


The concept of CSR is woven through the VCE Business Management course, so the workshop was a practical and invaluable contribution to their learning.




Andrea Holliday
