Year 5/6 Team
Senior School Update
The Senior School have had an awesome start back to Term 3! After a relaxing holiday break we have settled back in and made some fantastic progress already.
In Literacy, we have been studying the novel 'Wonder' written by R.J. Palacio. This heart warming story has opened our hearts and minds to the experiences of the main character, Auggie, who faces challenges due to his facial differences. Through the novel, our students have been engaged in meaningful discussions about empathy, kindness, and embracing diversity. They have also begun to generate ideas and plan their own realistic fiction piece. Across the term they will continue to work through the process of drafting, editing, revising and publishing their stories.
In Numeracy, students have been delving into the world of volume and capacity, exploring the connections between these concepts and how they are measured using metric units. Through interactive and hands-on activities, they have been introduced to the volume and the notion that objects have both height, width, and depth. Students have had some great discussions while estimating the capacity of everyday objects. They have had to think critically, make reasoned guesses and explain their thinking.
This term, our Senior School students have been looking out for people who are doing an outstanding job of displaying our school values and GEM principles. Any time they notice someone, they are able to make a submission to our 'Senior Shoutout' box. Each Friday afternoon before assembly, we share some of the amazing things that have been witnessed in our Learning Community.
Semester Two also sees us move from Interschool Sports into our Senior Challenge series! Each week during Senior Sport 56A, 56B & 56C take part in a new challenge where they need to use their teamwork and communication skills to see which class are the champions for that week. It has been wonderful to see our students cheering each other on, strategising together, and celebrating both victories and setbacks as a unified team.