Teaching & Learning news

Flexible Learning Intervention Program
Recently, the school launched its new 'Flexible Learning Intervention Program' (FLIP). Part of our school mission is to provide all students with a personalised learning program within an environment of strong, supportive relationships and FLIP has been established to support that work. This has involved making changes to how we use of our physical and human resources to better meet the learning needs of students and strengthen their opportunities for success.
At the beginning of Term 3, our two Years 9/10 home groups merged into one and students were identified for support through the Flexible Learning Intervention Program. FLIP involves a negotiated mix of small-group and one-to-one sessions which will be designed to meet specific goals and needs of individual students while continuing their participation in those activities and classes in which they are currently achieving success.
FLIP will be primarily located at our historic facility near the southern end of Gleadell Street. 'The House' (the former gas master's residence, circa 1883) will be progressively redevelop as our Flexible Learning Centre. At the moment, the facility is somewhat of a 'blank canvas', allowing the FLIP staff to work with the students in the program to develop the spaces and make it their own.
Art Excursion to the NGV
VCE Art Making and Exhibiting students recently spent the day at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) International. Students and staff strolled through the gallery’s permanent collection, seeking inspirations and influences for our art making back at school. We viewed artworks from across the world and across time, from the ancient Egyptians to contemporary artists. Our next trip will be to NGV Australia at Federation Square later in the term.
Congratulations, Zane
The school would like to congratulate student Zane, from our Coburg campus, who has passed his final competency, VU22031 Construct basic formwork for concreting. He has now completed his Certificate II in Building and Construction Pre-Apprenticeship. Zane's regular attendance and diligence are commendable. Well done, Zane!