Principal's message

July 2023

Flexible Learning Intervention Program (FLIP)

As we start the new term, I am enthusiastic about the school's implementation of our new FLIP (more about this in the Teaching & Learning news section). Significant work has been undertaken over the school holidays to prepare The House at Richmond for classes and other learning activities. In addition to this, key staff have been planning the program options and support structures that will be required, basing their decisions on five key elements (pictured) that will drive the ongoing development of the program. Participating students and families were involved in meetings during the first week of term to develop individualised schedules and students began attending this week. As the program evolves, we anticipate the The House will become a hub of flexible learning resource for the LHCS community. 

Student Free Day

Our student free day on Tuesday 25th July will be used to finalise our broad school programs for 2024 and continue work on our whole school curriculum mapping. This work supports the goals and targets of our School's Strategic Plan (SSP).

Richmond Netball Courts

I have been in contact with officers from both Depart of Education and Department of Sport and Recreation to enquire about progress on our election promise of funds to redevelop the courts at Richmond. I have also spoken with Yarra Councillor Hershell Landes, who is keen to arrange a meeting with Sue Wilkinson (CEO of Yarra City Council). Kettle, one of our student representatives on School Council, will meet with Cladia Nguyen, the Mayor, on 1st August.


We wish to highlight the connection and interaction of the local community with our school grounds. An excellent example of this is the seating area and book exchange developed by LEGS in collaboration with Maroun Tannous (Gleadell St market coffee vendor). 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Our new SWPBS posters will soon be installed throughout school (see image below). Although it has been a long process, the new wording and format of our SWPBS posters has been devised in consultation with students and staff. The new 'statements' on our posters are less descriptive than on our current posters, but this is designed for staff and students to use the statements as prompts for talking about positive contributions individuals make on a daily basis to our school community.