Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


We have a busy week with week with Parent/Teacher Interviews. We are encouraging you to bring your child along so they can also participate in the conversation around learning. If you have missed your opportunity to book, there are still spaces available for Wednesday. The online booking system is now closed but you can call the office to secure a time.


Next week, we are running Program Support Group Meetings for our students who require additional supports in the classroom. Our Parent/Teacher Interviews do not replace these important meetings as we discuss your child's personalised learning plan. Michelle has been busily contacting our parent community to book meetings. If you have received an email from Michelle requesting a meeting and haven't had the chance to book, please use the link below;


I know Michelle will be attempting to contact people this week. This is a very time consuming job so if you can help, please book online. We appreciate it!


During our Assembly on Monday we celebrated our 'Student of the Week' for each classroom. Congratulations to the following students;


Foundation: Edie

Grade 1/2NH: Matilda B

Grade 1/2BH: Bruce

Grade 3/4WY: Cara

Grade 4/5G: Matilda D

Grade 5/6G: Ruby



Our Class DoJo raffle winner this week was also announced. Congratulations to Evelyn in Grade 1/2BH for taking out the win. 


Just a final reminder from Brigid Malcolm...if you are looking to have your Grade 3 child participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year, please return the forms that were sent home last week or give the school a call. 


Existing families please note - if you have a child starting Foundation in 2024 please submit your paperwork to us as soon as you can. If you don't have any forms yet, please give us a call and we will organise them for you. 





Cassie Lynch