Student Voice is imperative to the success of student learning at GWPS. In Term Three the Level 6 YCDI learning will focus on further developing students’ social and emotional skills with an emphasis on emotional awareness, conflict resolution and cyber safety. These key areas of learning were identified as the result of a Student Voice survey conducted by our Student Voice Representatives, who presented their findings during a planning workshop, as pictured above. What an incredible way to meaningfully influence your learning!
Students will strengthen their emotional awareness with the support of frameworks such as the Zones of Regulation, as shown below. They will reflect on situations at school where they have experienced the different emotions in the ‘zones’ framework. By analysing the triggers and responses to each of the emotions, students will develop a critical awareness of how their emotions impact themselves and others. Combined with the creation of sentence frames and practice through role-play scenarios, students will build their capacity to regulate their emotions in a range of contexts.
As the term progresses and Camp ADANAC draws near, student learning will focus on the skills and knowledge needed to have a positive experience during camp. The focus will be on enhancing skills such as initiative, getting along, independence, leadership, and many more, which are lifelong, transferrable skills, that can be applied beyond camp. Through these classroom experiences and camp, students will be set up for success for their transition to secondary school and beyond.
Key Vocabulary for YCDI: Student Voice, Zones of Regulation, self-regulation, conflict resolution, cyberbullying
If you wish to support your child’s learning in You Can Do It this term, you can:
- Talk to your child about conflict resolution strategies.
- Support your child in preparing for camp. Discuss strategies for organisation and independence, while emphasising the importance