A message from Emily

Principal – St John's Footscray

Dear parents and carers,


Tomorrow is a school closure day for the children. Staff will be gathering together offsite including Leonie and Melinda, so the office will be closed. If you need to contact the school please email admin@sjfootscray.catholic.edu.au

Staff will be working with Andrea Downie, co-founder of Project Thrive. This day will focus on a Eudaimonic approach to wellbeing and explore the paradigm shift coined Eudaimonic Education® and how this applies to self, others and the wider system. With considerations of staff wellbeing, creating conditions for thriving and principles of applied positive psychology we will explore a model for designing a connected, engaged and wholebeing community whilst revisiting our 'ways of being'. 

Andrea is an educator, wellbeing scientist, action researcher and international keynote speaker who has worked with hundreds of schools and organisations on wellbeing science, systems leadership, education redesign and strategy.

Andrea is the co-founder of Project Thrive and an honorary fellow at the Centre for Wellbeing Science, Graduate School of Education at The University of Melbourne.

She has extensive experience working both in and on the education system in teaching and leadership roles as well as consulting internationally. She is dedicated to making education the best and most desirable system in the world where wellbeing, agency, authentic and meaningful learning as well as opportunities and excellence for all, is at the forefront.

Andrea has both education and psychology degrees and a Masters of Applied Positive Psychology with First Class Honours.

We look forward to this learning tomorrow and continuing to deepen our understanding of self and others to ensure everyone has the opportunity to thrive at St John's. If you'd like to know more check out the Project Thrive website: https://www.projectthrive.com.au/home


We keep our children preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist from the 3 Hub in our thoughts and prayers. This weekend at Saturday's 5pm mass at Our Lady's Church, the children will be presented to the community. Prior to mass the children will go to reconciliation from 4:15pm. Last week we had a family formation night in the Holy Parish Hall with families of children from Christ the King Primary School joining our families. Families had an opportunity to share their experiences, discuss the process of transubstantiation as well as role playing the act of receiving communion. This is all part of their preparation in the lead up to the celebration of their First Eucharist on the 12th August. 

We are also strongly encouraging any children from the St John's choir to support this celebration by singing at Mass on the 12 August at 5pm. If your child is available and would like to be a part of this, please collect a note from Helen or the school office for further information. 

If your child is currently in Prep to Year 2, and you are considering having them baptised in preparation for the sacraments in Year 3 and Year 6, please see the information on the Parish News page.


Dismissal Procedures:

As a staff we have been reflecting on how we can manage end of the day dismissal in a way that cars and pedestrians can move through safely as well as minimising the impact on traffic along Eleanor and Essex Street. With an increase in the number of children attending St John's continuing next year and in 2025, we want to make sure what we have in place will support this growth. 

Our official end to the day is 3:15pm with our dismissal procedures beginning from 3:10pm. We want to ensure that we are keeping all children safe during this time when it can feel very hectic between 3:10 - 3:20pm. Please see the flyer attached for more information and the map below showing the different pick up points for dismissal.


Next week we have lots to celebrate with the Feast of Mary MacKillop on Tuesday 8th August. On Monday we have a fun session booked with Kaboom Sports and on Tuesday we will begin with a liturgy in the hall at 9:15am followed by some activities in house groups centred around Mary MacKillop . Part of the day will also include clinics run for the children by staff from the Western Bulldogs. We hope that this will be a great way to continue celebrating who we are as a Catholic school and making wonderful memories for the children. Next week we will also have our '100 Days' celebration for the children in the Prep Hub. Lots to look forward to at St John's.


Saint Mary MacKillop prayer:

May all that we love and appreciate about Mary’s life continue to find expression in us.

May we imagine and act on new possibilities wherever we are that will heal, include, untether, set right and serve, especially in our world of illness and death.

Spirit of Wisdom accompany us through the unfolding of our lives.


Lyndall Brown rsj


Thank you to the families who have provided feedback around our school uniform. If you would like to respond and haven't had the opportunity too please click on this link


Wishing you a wonderful fortnight ahead.
