School News

Note from Emily
Hello Everyone! I hope your term has been going well. I just wanted to say a quick farewell to you all as I finish up my role here at the end of this term. I have been so enriched by my 3 years here at Uraidla, and have had the opportunity to work with such an incredible team, and the best students and families. Never have I felt so welcomed and valued by a school community. All though this is farewell for now, I will be forever grateful to all the care, support and friendship I have been shown. I will miss you all and wish everyone the best for the rest of this year.
Take care,
Waste Free Wednesdays
Uraidla Primary Schools Green Team has been working behind the scenes for a couple of years now to reduce waste at school and educate the kids (and adults) about what bins their rubbish goes in. We have the red bin for can and bottle recycling and are even monitoring how much rubbish to take to the curb each week!
We need your help!
Every Wednesday in Term 3 our school is going to try Waste Free Wednesday!
We would love the buy-in and participation of our families to take part in Waste Free Wednesday. It involves:
- Packing recess and lunch with no waste (no single-use packaging and wrapping)
- Only using reusable containers, like those below
We know most families have reusable lunchbox containers at home and don’t expect anyone to buy anything new. Just use what you have. Beeswax wraps, small containers, bento boxes, sandwich containers all work well. And don't forget, fruit like banana and mandarins come with their very own compostable wrapping 🙂
Each class will record the amount of lunch boxes waste-free each week, and the class with the least waste wins a prize at the end of term.
We thank you for your support!
The Green Team
Water at school
We'd like to remind parents that water is the only drink that is appropriate to bring to school. Please send a labelled drink bottle with water every day. If children forget to bring a bottle, we have 2 'bubblers' they can drink from. Please do not send juices, cordial, sports drinks or other sweet drinks, since we find this interrupts the children's ability to focus on their learning. Thank you!
Dear Families,
Can you donate to the school sandpit toys (eg. shovels and rakes) and old spoons and pans for the mud kitchen or any items for our fairy garden?
Thank you from the SRC
Hi all – Vac is fast upon us, and so is winter! We have a host of fun winter activities to keep us warm during the cold, cold Uraidla days coming up. Make sure you are booking in via the Spike Parent’s App! If you have not set that up yet, catch Andrew for a quick crash course.
Don’t forget to book in for the Pupil Free Day, too!
We are trying to streamline all bookings onto the app, so that WhatsApp is left for truly “last-minute” emergency bookings.
The usual vac tidbits: make sure your lunchbox is packed, you have a spare change of clothes and for this vac – maybe even a pair of boots! We might find some fun puddles to jump in.
Can’t wait to see you all soon!
Calling all artists and local businesses
- you could donate a piece of work to be auctioned off.
- you could donate a product to be auctioned off.
- you could donate food or wine.
- You could donate a voucher or experience at your venue.
- you could offer a meal, tour or other experience at your business or venue that will be auctioned off.
- you might like to donate directly to the fundraising activity or find another way of supporting the school with in-kind support throughout the year.
If you are able to donate an artwork or other item, or help in other ways, please contact P and F at
Recycling help
The Green Team is here again to give you some handy recycling tips. Did you know that you can recycle many items that currently cannot be recycled through your yellow bin? So what can you recycle and where do you take it?
Recycle sports shoes
You can take any unwanted or pre-loved sports or active lifestyle shoes including sneakers, sports boots, thongs and rubber boots, into one a wide range of sports stores through the Treadlightly program ( These include stores like Rebel, Athletes Foot, Platypus, Hype and Drummond Golf.
Recycle pens, cartridges and e-waste
At Officeworks, you can recycle a wide range of items. These include computer-based e-waste, printer and ink cartridge, mobile phones, batteries and pens and markers.
Recycle polystyrene, paint, x rays
Did you know Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre takes a wealth of items including paint, polystyrene and x ray films for free.
Recycle makeup
Priceline has a program with Terracycle that you can recycle your makeup empties like glass bottles, makeup palettes, plastic tubes (tubes don’t get recycled through the yellow bin! ), mascara and lip products.
Recycle medicine blister packs
You can take your empty medicine blister packs into National Pharmacies across SA.
So whilst its inside weather why not get the kids to help gather all these items.. or set up a recycling collection point in your home to collect these items and regularly drop them off, to save adding more to landfill.. because remember .. there is no such place as ‘away’.. so let's minimise what we throw ‘away’! Thanks everyone, every little bit helps.
Help, please!
Can you spare 30 mins after assembly to help serve drinks?
The P&F love bringing the Uraidla Primary community together but need a little extra help.
We are looking for volunteers after assembly each fortnight, to help make hot drinks, take money and wash cups at the Willow Cafe.
All the tasks are really simple or just require some simple training to use the coffee machine.
If you can help just once or regularly, please email Amanda Preskett ( with the date/s you can do (assembly dates listed below).
Or just drop into the gym kitchen after the next assembly and let us know.
Thanks so much! Parents and Friends
Term 2 dates (Every second Friday odd school weeks after assembly)
CHECK: Covid measures
Here are the current recommendations from the Department for Education:
COVID safe measures
- All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly. If students become unwell at school, we are unable to care for them here and we will be contacting you to collect them asap. Please have a plan in place for someone who can collect your child within a half hour.
- We still need to record all cases of COVID; please let us know asap if your child tests positive by either RAT or PCR test.
- We will be maximising ventilation by leaving doors/windows open, using air conditioning and fans, and keeping doors and windows open.
- Adults will practise physical distancing where possible.
- We will continue to practise and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser will be provided for regular use, and disposable masks.
- Students who have tested positive to Covid must stay home for 5 days from the date of the test. They can then return to school as long as they are free of symptoms. We ask siblings of students who have tested positive to wear a mask at school if they are able, to reduce the chance of infection.
Face masks
- Adults and children in Years 3-6 can choose to wear masks inside, to minimise the risk of infection; we are now leaving this up to individual discretion.
- If there is a known case in the family of a child in any class, we are encouraging the adults and children in that class to all wear masks during the infectious period.
Pick up and drop off
- In the morning please continue to drop children off at one of the entrances to the school grounds, and allow them to make their own way to their classrooms. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app.
- We are now welcoming families to come into the yard at the end of the day. Please come into the school grounds to wait rather than waiting in the roadway, for child safety. Thank you!