A message from Margie

Winter is in full swing!
We are all commenting on the change in the weather, and the big question each day is, "Can we play outside today?"
It's also a time for reflection. Students and teachers have been reflecting on the learning so far this year. Teachers have written student reports, and each student has completed a reflection on their learning goals and achievements. On Wednesday, July 5, reports will go home. You'll note that there is a grade for achievement and also effort. There is also a guide that explains what each grade represents. C is the expected grade at each year level.
Please make the time to discuss the grades and comments with your child and consider what their goals will be for the rest of the year. Are there any surprises? Does your child agree with the effort grade? What do they think they could be doing to improve next term? How can you help them with their goals at home? If you or your child are unclear about any aspect of the assessment, please contact your child's teacher and they will be happy to arrange a time to discuss it with you.
We all had a wonderful time at the school disco last week. On behalf of the students, we'd like to sincerely thank the Parents and Friends for all of their hard work to create such an enjoyable experience. You can see from these photos that a great time was had by all!
Wombat Stew
Were you lucky enough to see the Year 1 class present their play Wombat Stew at assembly last week? We were all so impressed by how professional it was. Well done!
Start of the day
I'd like to remind everyone once again about how important it is for children to be on time for the start of the day. If you have slipped into an occasional late arrival, please take time to consider what you can do as a family to ensure students are here at 8:30 am every day, to allow them time to take their bag to their locker, unpack, swap readers and then have a few minutes of play with their friends before getting settled for a big day of learning. The very latest that children should arrive at school is 8:40 am.
When students are late they miss all of the most important information about the day ahead, which can make them feel anxious and unprepared. In addition to this, the learning of the whole class is disrupted every time a child arrives late, and the work of front office staff, who need to sign them in and hand out late passes.
I have three children and I know how challenging the mornings are at times. There were definitely times we struggled to get to school on time! If you are having difficulty because your child is reluctant to come to school or to get ready on time, please let me know and I will be happy to work with you and your child on a plan for mornings.
Free ticket raffle
We have been gifted 2 free tickets to the July 23 live performance of the Cat in the Hat https://www.catinthehatlive.com/tickets/. If you are able to attend on this date and would like to enter the free raffle for 2 tickets, please send me a SeeSaw message. I'll draw the raffle at the final assembly in Week 10.
Have a great fortnight everyone! Stay warm! 🔥