Photo File - Catch Ups: 

Below: New sports balls as a thank you from SKids after-school care. Samoan Language Week book display - room 20. Room 21 children and Mrs King working on their outdoor mural - it's going to be super-cool. Jet with a rugby shirt signed by Auckland Blues players - including our own Caleb Clarke. Kun Ha visited us from South Korea - he loved his time in room 20. Lennox - room 23 - with his awesome ANZAC watercolour art. Chris and Max in room six's awesome space Rocket.

Below: Photos from Junior Play Morning.

Below: Staff love visiting classes to share favourite picture books with other classes.

Below: Kelley Head runs cool lunchtime STEAM technology classes for interested children.

Above: Pork Bones and Watercress for staff morning tea - one of my favourites!

Cool to be Kind display in room 20.