Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

Week 5 and halfway through the term!  What an exciting few weeks of learning it has been for the preps! They’ve been showing an eagerness to learn and it has been great watching them all learn and grow. The Preps participated in their first Athletics day which was such a hit! They enjoyed competing in different activities to earn points for their house. 


In Literacy, the students during phonics have been learning the letter names and sounds for W, X, Y, and Z. They have been engaging in various tasks to explore and immerse themselves in the letter name and sounds. The students have still been exploring Aaron Blabey texts and have begun looking at high-frequency words to create a story from their model text ‘ Hairy Bear’. The students throughout the week have been working on a story to share and explain to their peers what is happening. 

During Maths, the students have been learning about time and have been exploring the seasons within the year, months of the year and have looked at the days of the week. The students have also looked at the various things that we use at particular times of the day and explored what the day was yesterday and what tomorrow will be.

Benjamin B
Benjamin B

Throughout Religion the Preps have been exploring the different religious items around the school and looking at how we can ask questions about our faith and how we pray. They have also explored reasons why we pray and how various prayers begin. 


On Wednesday the 25th of May we had the beginning of our sacramental journey - Prayers in Pjs. This night the students celebrated their faith with their family through prayer and creating a cross together. It was a fantastic evening and we thank all those who attended. We especially thank John Dini for his organisation of a wonderful evening!

Some friendly reminders:

  • Readers - Please ensure that book bags are bought in on a Monday and they will be returned on a Tuesday with a new book.
  • Colour Run - 9th June
  • King's Birthday Holiday - 12th June - School Closed
  • Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via the School Website) - Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm (School Closure Day)
  • Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via the School Website) - Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm
  • End of Term 23rd June - School finishing at 1pm
  • Students require their iPads for learning. Please ensure that they’re charged and brought to school each day.

Tips for reading at home:

  • Talk about what is happening in the pictures in the book before reading
  • Discuss words that your child is unsure about
  • Make predictions about what the story might be about. What do you think will happen? What will happen next?
  • Start at the end of the book. How do you think the story got to this point?
  • Talk about what they’ve learned from reading the text


Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two

We have passed the halfway mark of Term 2! 


During writing sessions, the 5/6 students have been constructing interview questions to ask various members of the OLSC staff. They have been working towards asking thought-provoking questions and being prepared to ask follow-up questions during the interview process. We were fortunate that Jane, Justin, Zach and Cheryl took the time to visit with us and to answer the prepared questions.

Today, students and teachers spent time reflecting on and understanding the importance of National Sorry Day. They read the book 'They Took the Children Away', based on the song by Archie Roach, and responded through illustrations and writing quotes from the lyrics.

During Inquiry this week, the 5/6 children have been working in small groups to follow the design process and then to use digital technologies to create digital solutions. They are using a variety of information systems and are working together on specific ways of thinking about problem-solving. Groups will be creating objects for use within the school using the Tinkercad program and the 3-D printer, developing a school uniform app and using the Makey-Makeys to produce educational games.


Some friendly reminders…

  • 2nd June - Winter Lightning Prem sports day
  • 2nd June - Whole School Mass at 2 pm
  • 7th June - LC2 Assembly at 2:30 pm, parents welcome
  • 9th June - School Colour Run at 1:30 pm
  • King's Birthday Holiday - 12th June - School Closed
  • Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) - Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm (School Closure Day)
  • Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) - Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm
  • End of Term 23rd June - School finishing at 1 pm

Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Salena, & Scott.

Learning Centre Three


Last week the Year 1/2s went to Fairy Park!!

Here are some of our favourite parts:


“My favourite part was the red button that splashed everyone!” - Annabelle 1/2O

“I loved how nice the place was decorated especially the playground.” - Rosie 1/2B

“My favourite part was going down the big slide.” - Sukhnoor 1/2O

“I loved Cinderella because I got to press the button.” - Shekinah 1/2G

“I loved the dragon with the eyes that glow” - Thinuja 1/2O



In Reading, we have continued to look at Fairy Tales. We have been looking at creating our own dialogue for famous Fairy Tales. We have also created fairy tales using fun props, in Writing. 



This week in Maths, we have started looking at TIME. We started the unit by looking at different events that occur during the day and categorising them. We have also started looking at a clock and how to tell the time to half past. 




In Inquiry, we have been looking at how to display data in different ways. We have explored different representations of data on paper and also made graphs using online programs. 




In Religion, we have been looking at different events we celebrate with our families and celebrations we have within the Catholic Faith. We have looked at symbols that we may find in Church during those celebrations, for examples: music, candles and flowers. 



Last Friday the WHOLE SCHOOL took part in an ATHLETICS DAY! The kids had the best time doing a range of events from hurdles to sack races to chicken relays. The teachers were so proud of everyone cheering each other on, showing good sportsmanship and resilience. 



Some friendly reminders…

  • 9th June - School Colour Run at 1:30 pm
  • 12th June - School Closed - King's Birthday Holiday 
  • Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm - Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) (School Closure Day)
  • Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) 
  • End of Term 23rd June - School finishing at 1 pm


Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.

Learning Centre Four


This week in Reading, the 3/4s made some comparisons between some of the different texts that our focus author Anthony Browne wrote. The students identified some key similarities and differences between the texts ‘Voices in the Park' and 'Into the Forest’. 

On Wednesday the 24th of May, we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime. We read the story ‘The Speedy Sloth’ by Rebecca Young and Heath McKenzie and had a discussion about the key messages within the story. The students loved reading the book and completed some activities based on this text.


In Writing, LC4 have continued to work on procedure writing. This week, the students upleveled their writing by adding verbs/adverbs and including time connectives in their steps. They followed the writing process by: completing their draft, editing and then choosing a way to publish their procedure. 



This week in Maths, the students have been focusing on chance experiments. We completed a range of experiments to determine if we could predict the outcome or if it was a random event. The students compared their results with a partner to see if there were any patterns, or if it was random. 


In Religion, LC4 have been learning about the Introductory Rite of the Mass. We first focused on what the Mass is and discussed who is involved, where it is held and what happens at Mass, just to name a few. Students learnt what the Introductory Rite is made up of and some of the responses we say during this part of the Mass. 



This week in Inquiry, students have been finishing off their digital websites. Over the last few weeks, students have learnt some new skills using apps such as Google Sites, Google Sheets and Google Drawings. 

Athletics Day:

On Friday the 19th of May, OLSC held a whole school athletics day. The students competed in a range of sports events. It was a great day to see all the students having an attempt in the different races and supporting one another from the side lines. 

Some friendly reminders…

  • Friday 2nd June - Whole School Mass at 2pm 
  • Friday 9th June - Colour Run
  • Monday 12th June - King's Birthday Holiday (School Closed)
  • Friday 16th June - 3/4 Assembly
  • Monday 19th June 8:30 -3:30 pm - Learning conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) - (School Closure Day)
  • Tuesday 20th June 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Learning Conversations (Bookings Essential via Parent Portal) 
  • Friday 23rd June - End of Term. School finishing at 1pm

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Karen, Milla and Zach.