Prep Bulletin

A Snapshot into Our Big Idea Action


Learning Intention: 

To demonstrate our knowledge of our big idea through an action. 


Big idea:


Our first Big Idea in Prep was ‘When I experience emotions, I feel and react in ways that affect myself and others around me.’  Our Driving questions that directed our learning were; What are feelings and emotions? Why do we feel in different ways? How do I manage the way I react?. 


While exploring this Big Idea, the Preps examined a variety of texts that discussed feeling and emotions, such as Fergal is Fuming, Mr Huff and It’s Ok to Feel the Way You Do. The Preps also explored the Zones of Regulation and different strategies they can use to get back into the Green Zone. 



At the end of the unit the Preps had to decide on an action to present and share their findings. As a cohort they brainstormed different ways such as creating a class book, a poster, a painting, writing a song, creating a strategies wheel etc. Then each class voted on which way they would like to demonstrate their learning and the one with the most votes was chosen.


Prep A

Prep A picked a painting. In small groups they drew a design then each design was voted on and the most popular one was chosen. From that design each student painted a small picture of a face showing an emotion and a strategy they could use to regulate their emotions. 


Prep P

Prep P picked a class book. They used the mentor text ‘My Many Coloured Days by Dr. Suess’ and focused on the Zones of regulation for the colours and feelings. As a class they wrote the story then each student was given a page to illustrate. They titled their book ‘Prep P’s Many Coloured Days.’ Below are some snippets from the book. The book will be created through the online printing company Snapfish and mailed to the school.


Prep P can’t wait to read it together.


 We feel in many different ways and have lots of colourful days






Sometimes when I feel ferocious and red, my body can shake from my toes to my head.


I start my starfish breathing and I feel the anger leaving.




On a bright green day, I feel calm and my smile is there to stay. 


I want to be friendly and kind, so I think of others and keep them in mind.



Prep J

Prep J picked a song. They used We Will Rock You as the mentor text and replicated the melody but created their own words. They focused on the Zones of Regulation and various strategies they can use to regulate their emotions. 


In this learning experience, students are working towards:

  • Identifying different emotions and feelings
  • Identifying how different emotions affect our body
  • Identifying strategies to regulate their emotions
  • Utilising the strategies when they need to regulate their emotions

What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • Discuss how everyone feels and reacts in different ways
  • Discuss how it is normal to feel many different emotions in one day
  • Discuss strategies you or others can use to regulate your emotions
  • Help students to identify and verbalise their feelings in different circumstances

Next Big Idea

This week we started our next Big Idea.

My school is a community that has changed overtime because of us.

Our driving question are: 

  • What is a community? (schools, clubs, family, values) 
  • How has my school community changed over time? (uniforms, rooms/layout, teachers)
  • How can I contribute to my school community?

This Big Idea focuses on the history and geography curriculum.