Religious Education   

Marylene Douglas

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

This weekend the Year 4 students will be celebrating their First Eucharist. They have been learning about the parts of the Mass:- Gathering, The Liturgy of the Word, The Liturgy of the Eucharist and Going Forth, and how each of these aspects can relate to our own life. 

The Gospel Reading for our First Eucharist masses is the story of the Road to Emmaus. One message from this reading relates to current events in a timely way. Challenging things are happening in our world, and it’s difficult to understand why. We have to trust that God is at work, and that He has a plan in all things. The disciples on the road to Emmaus didn’t recognize Jesus at first, and when He explained things to them, all of the pieces fell into place. We don’t always recognize what Jesus is doing in our lives, but one day we will see Him face to face. Meanwhile, we can look for how He is working through those around us and how he is working through us.

Another aspect the Year 4 students worked on was how they can make a difference when they go forth. Here are some of their responses:

May we all pray for our First Eucharist candidates as they take this very special step in their faith journey.

Let Us Pray...

God of love and understanding, we place our faith in you. 

Each time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist in our parish family we grow in our understanding of God's special love for us.

When we share in God's special meal, the Eucharist, we are united with all God's family throughout the world.

After sharing in the Eucharist, we are sent out to bring God's message of peace and love to the world through our thoughts, prayers and actions.

May God's face shine upon us as we go in peace to love and serve the Lord.