Faculty News

Visual Arts

Greetings everyone,


We are thrilled to share the latest update on our recent trip to Tasmania as part of a group of Year 11/12 VCD and Studio Arts students. Our journey focused on immersing ourselves in the captivating Visual Arts culture, exploring the city's architecture, and visiting the renowned Museum of Old and New Art (MONA).


Embarking on an architectural adventure allowed us to truly appreciate the ingenuity and aesthetic beauty behind constructing remarkable buildings. Our exploration took us to iconic sites like the Hobart City Hall and St. David's Cathedral, where we delved into their rich history and architectural marvels. The city's architecture proved to be a tapestry of diversity, encompassing modern skyscrapers and meticulously designed heritage buildings.


Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit an Aboriginal art gallery, where we were introduced to the traditional paintings of Tasmania's indigenous people. Witnessing the exquisite artwork and learning about its historical and cultural significance left an indelible impression on us. We also had the chance to showcase our own artistic prowess by visiting commercial galleries and creating gothic surrealism artwork, drawing inspiration from the captivating allure of Tasmania.

However, the pinnacle of our trip was the extraordinary visit to MONA. The museum's extensive collection of contemporary art challenged our perceptions and ignited thought-provoking discussions on the role of art in society. MONA's distinctive curation style encouraged us to forge our own interpretations and establish connections between different pieces. Altogether, this experience provided an unforgettable glimpse into the realm of contemporary art.

Our expedition to Tasmania served as a remarkable opportunity to broaden our horizons, gain fresh insights, and deepen our understanding of visual arts and culture. The exploration of the city's architecture and the immersion into MONA's artistic wonders truly stood out as the highlights of our journey. We express our heartfelt gratitude for this exceptional opportunity, and these cherished memories will forever hold a special place in our hearts.


Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards, Constantine Gigis





Rimma Campos

Visual Arts Coordinator