Principal's Report

Palmyra - Syria

Dear St John's Community,


We have lots to talk about this week so let me get straight into it!

National Sorry Day (Friday) and Fire Carrier Reconciliation Mass (Sunday 10am - St John's Church)

This is a busy time of year for our Fire Carrier students. Today is National Sorry Day and on Sunday we have our first Reconciliation mass with our cluster of Fire Carrier schools and students. 


In relation to Sorry Day, many First Nation groups we work with still lament that people keep asking them 'What do we have to be sorry for?'

National Sorry Day is not meant to represent that we personally are sorry for the terrible things that happened during colonisation and the subsequent years. How could we? We were not there!

However, this is often how it is portrayed or criticised by those who do not understand this concept. It's important that we do understand this properly, especially our children. 


When we say sorry on this day, it is in the same way that we would console a friend after the passing of a loved one. For example, we might say, 'I am so sorry for your loss'. We are showing empathy towards that person and acknowledging the pain and suffering they are going through. We acknowledge this and offer comfort. There is also a sense of hope that things will get better.  


This Sunday, many Fire Carrier students from across eight local Catholic schools, including John Paul College will come together in the spirit of reconciliation for Australia at St John's Church. We need to make an effort to heal the wounds of the past in order to build a better future for everyone. This is in small step on that journey.  Anyone is welcome to attend from 10am on Sunday.


Choir delights!

On Wednesday night this week our school Choir had their very first performance outside of the school or school masses and they were awesome!!!! 


They performed at the 15th Annual Mornington Peninsula Choral Festival and did so well that the presenters have invited them to return again next year! Well done to all and thanks to Mr Caine for his support and organisation of the event and finally to all the parents who braved the cold night to bring their children out and got to see them star on stage!


Mr LeFebvre, in his role as Science and Sustainability Leader for St John's, has organised for students to participate in a variety of environmental science-based events over this day.  It should be a great learning experience for everyone and highlight the importance of careers and knowledge about science and our environment. We only have one planet!


Congratulations to one of our Grade 6 students, Benjamin W who has just recently been selected to play as a member of the Victorian State Rugby Under 12's Team. We wish him well for when he journeys to Queensland on the 30th June - 2nd July to compete in the Vending First Challenge Cup. Go Ben!!!


Thanks to all the parents who took the time to complete the recent survey regarding future camps at St John's.


The survey results showed an almost even split between those wanting camps for Grade 4s and those wanting to continue Wominjeka Day Camps that have worked so successfully last year and this year. 


With the Grade 5/6 camps, there was overwhelming support to have a camp every year, however, the feedback was to reduce them to a 2 night/3 day camp.

The results will be discussed by the staff Consultative Committee and the Parents on the School Council and a final decision made very soon. We will let you know the final outcome.


I just wanted to give an extra big welcome to all the new families who have joined us in recent weeks. We have had an influx of a number of new families in recent weeks with several more joining us next week. If you see a few new faces around the place, please reach out and help them feel welcome!

Just a note that Francesca is currently travelling abroad. Lessons will recommence when she returns later in the term. Stay tuned!


Reminder regarding early drop-offs

Once again we are seeing an increasing number of students dropped at school between 7.55am and 8.30am. While we understand students may start arriving close to the 8.30am mark it is not acceptable for students to be dropped off at those earlier times, especially on a regular basis. If you need to drop your children off that early you should be looking at using Before and After School Care. 

This is a Child-Safe matter for the school and your children who are not supervised at those times.


Prayer for our First Holy Communion candidates

Loving God, 

You are the giver of all we possess, the source of all our blessings. 

We thank and praise you for the gift of our children. 

Help us to set boundaries for them, and yet encourage them to explore. 

Give us the strength and courage to treat each day with them as a fresh start. 

May our children come to know you, God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent to teach us. 

May your Holy Spirit help them to grow in faith, hope, and love, so they may know peace, truth, and goodness. 

May their ears hear your voice.  

May their eyes see your presence in all things. May their lips proclaim your word.  

May their hearts be your dwelling place.  

May their hands do works of charity.  

May their feet walk in the way of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord. 



Each Term we are required to undertake an emergency situation drill. We missed the Term 1 drill due to NAPLAN being scheduled at the same time. I just want parents to know we had one today so if the children come home with any strange stories as can happen after a drill you can reassure them that it was just a practice in case of an emergency.


Q: What happened when the strawberry was run over in the street?

A:  It caused a traffic jam...

Q. Why do we never see elephants hiding up in trees??

A. Because they are really, really good at it...

J. Two police officers crash their car into a tree and sit there quietly looking at each other until one of them says, "Wow, that's the fastest we've ever got to the scene of an accident"...


Have a lovely weekend and stay warm,

Derek Bruitzman



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