Advance Camp

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Qualifying Expedition
Rubicon Valley – October 15-17, 2018
The College’s Year 10 Advance class submitted themselves to the challenge of completing their final 3-day hiking expedition through the Rubicon Valley near Alexandra recently as the qualifying journey for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Over the three days, they displayed sound planning and navigational skills, completing several day walks as well as adapting to the variable weather conditions (including a torrential downpour which tested their tent-pitching skills!). They took everything in their stride.
The group enjoyed exploring the 100-year-old hydro-electric scheme of the Rubicon Valley during their hike, taking in the many aqueducts, rivers and spectacular eucalyptus forests. They encouraged each other and worked as a true team to complete the walk and celebrate their achievements. They are to be congratulated on the level of skill they demonstrated across all aspects of the expedition. It was truly a great group celebration of what has been a very exciting and fulfilling year for the students.
Thanks to Emma McCracken for accompanying the group on the walk.
The students are now busy finalising their expedition reports and tying-up the final sections of their awards. Congratulations to all Advance students. You have been excellent college ambassadors throughout the year’s program. It has been a pleasure to work with you over 2018.
We look forward to these students putting their new-found skills to good use into the future.
Randall Jones
Advance Coordinator and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader