Senior School

Latrobe University - ASPIRE
Well done to our Year 12 students who have been accepted into the Latrobe University ASPIRE early entry program based on their outstanding community service and volunteer work.
It’s great to see our Year 12 students rewarded for their contribution to our local community.
Melbourne University Scholarship
Congratulations to Baneen Alrubayi who was recently awarded the University of Melbourne Principals’ Scholarship. Baneen’s hard work, dedication and outstanding contribution to our school and the local community has been recognised through this prestigious award. Well done Baneen!
Year 12 Dress Up Day - Pre 2000's
Our Year 12 celebrated their last run into exams and final assessments with a free dress day in the last weeks of Term 3. It was great to see them embrace the fashions from the era that pre-dated the 2000's. Many staff were nostalgic to see the students rocking the clothes from their youth!
Cam scores silver at SSV State Athletics
Congratulations to Cameron Johnston for his silver in the 400m at SSV State Championships. Brilliant achievement.