Food Handler's Course
VCAL student Josh Francis has been working with Darren Hawke completing his Food Handlers Course. The two are cooking up a storm and Darren generously gave up his own time voluntarily to teach Josh all elements of Food Hygiene, at no cost to the school.
Josh wants to study Accounting at TAFE when he finishes school, that’s why he handles the money for the Barista Business operating at Cobram Secondary College, and the fact that he is so personable in dealing with teachers.
Barista Training
Pictured below is our current crop of Baristas who are undergoing additional training with Brianna Tedesco from Cobram Community House.
Kasidy Maddy Lucas, Choise Maddy Lucas, Jesse Carter, Travis Curll, Shyanne Cassise and Liam Hindle have been training as Baristas all year with their final assessment taking place in Term 4.
All students are studying Foods at Cobram Secondary College and many of them are VCAL students. Completing Barista training will serve them well, especially those who want to pursue Hospitality as a career path when they leave school.
The six Baristas will train other up and coming Foods and VCAL students next year and the CSC Coffee House, as well as making coffee at school, will continue to be available for all school functions.
Garden Project
Warwick Higgins, our School Council President, spent a couple of days devoting his time and expertise to teaching the VCAL boys some useful hands on skills. He taught the students how to build vertical walls for our herb garden, concrete holes, how to use a spray gun and even lent his hand to shifting soil into the veggie garden boxes, saving the boys hundreds of hours of manual labour.
James Sim, past student and local businessman, excavated the site for the 24 veggie boxes.
The VCAL Foods students cooked for the two days and the Year 10 Foods class assisted them in preparing some tantalising pizzas.
Louise and Anne- Marie provided much needed support for the two days.
Watch this space for future developments in the Garden Project.
HPV Team
With only a month to go before the main event held in November, the Energy Breakthrough; the CSC HPV Racing Team are working hard during and after school hours building the trike, planning, and training together, as well as supporting and guiding the newbies as they start getting familiar with the trike. They are also working on their presentation and speeches, with teachers lending a helping hand to students. Over the last 6 months, the students and staff have given up their time during weekends and holidays when available to help out at Yarrawonga Bunning's cooking snags to help raise funds for the team.
We are always looking for local businesses and families to sponsor the team financially, in-kind or by service; and in turn, we will publicise you by placing your logo/name on the vehicle. A huge thank you to those that have already shown support to our 2018 team.
Our team is extremely enthusiastic about this year’s race and look forward to sharing all the stories and the experiences from the race upon our return.