Notice Board

School Council Vacancy
A casual vacancy has opened up for a parent member of the School Council. An election is to be conducted for a casual member of the school council. This is a temporary position with the term ending in March 2019. The elected casual member is eligible to nominate for a full 2 year term on the School Council again in 2019. This is a great opportunity for parent’s thinking about nominating for council but were unsure of what is required as a member.
Nomination forms are available at the General Office for further information on School Council Membership please contact Adrian Zonneveldt (Business Manager) on 03 58 711 700.
Canteen Volunteers
Our School Canteen is requesting help from Mums, Dads, Grandparents and the like to assist with the preparation of food. We would love to hear from volunteers who would be able to help out on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am to 1:15pm. Volunteers are not required to help out every week, rather we’d be hoping for a once a month commitment. We will even provide you with a free lunch and drink on the day!
No experience is necessary, we’ll show you the ropes. All volunteers will, however, be required to complete a volunteer working with children’s check prior to commencement. Further details of this free of charge process can be found at . We can also help you through this should you need some assistance.
If you are able to assist, please contact our Business Manager (Adrian Zonneveldt) at the College in person, on 0358 711 700 or via email at
After Hours Immunisation
Following Round 2 of the Secondary School Immunisation program this month the Moira Shire Council Immunisation Team are offering students who have missed doses at the school sessions the opportunity to attend a free after hours catch up session.
The details of these sessions are as follows:
Cobram – 24 October at 5.30pm
Maternal and Child Health Centre
16 Hay Avenue, Cobram
Yarrawonga– 14 November at 5.30pm
Maternal and Child Health Centre
87- 97 Orr Street, Yarrawonga
Nathalia – 28 November at 3.30pm
Maternal and Child Health Centre
75 Blake Street, Nathalia
Numurkah – 28 November at 5.30pm
Numurkah Information Centre
99 Melville Street, Numurkah
Students are also welcome to attend Moira Shire Council Infant Immunisation Sessions to receive missed doses.
If you have any queries regarding any of this please do not hesitate to contact our Immunisation Team on 5871 9222.