Principal's Report

Principal's Report
This week we farewelled our Year 12 students from Cobram Secondary College, sending them off for their final days of revision before they embark on their VCE exams, transitioning to further study or in to the work force. After 6 years of education, this is an auspicious day. Staff feel a range of emotions from sadness after wishing another cohort goodbye, pride in their achievements and sharing the nerves of students about to complete their final exams. Our greatest hope for our students is that they are able to make choices about career pathways to enable them to live long and enriching lives. Our doors remain open and we encourage the Class of 2018 to share the stories of their successes and experiences. Don't be strangers as you will always be alumni of Cobram Secondary College.
Congratulations to Cameron Johnston who came second at SSV State Athletics Championships this week in Melbourne. This is an amazing achievement as Cam competed against the best athletes in his age group across Victoria. Congratulations to our 13 Years Boys relay and Zarlie Kerr who also participated at this elite event.
It was wonderful to share a pizza lunch with our largest cohort of PBA achievers in the first week of term. Cycle Two for Semester Two saw 56 students achieve the 4.8 benchmark. We hope to see more new faces join us in the final celebrations.
We wish to extend our congratulations to Tristen Grinter, who was awarded the very prestigious Queen Scout Award over the weekend. This is a tremendous achievement that reflects many hours of work.
Our VCAL students have been extremely busy working to bring our college farm to life. The landscape is taking shape, thanks to the hard work of this group along with the generous donation of time and resources from many community members. I encourage you to read further of this work in our newsletter.
Freyja Black starred in the recent 'Wizard of Oz' musical in Shepparton. Her vocal and acting prowess were truly impressive. This is an enormous commitment and Freyja is to be congratulated for her hard work, stepping into the lead role with only 5 weeks notice.
Many students have embraced the opportunities to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities over Term Three. The focus of our final assembly for the term was a recognition of the wide range of exciting opportunities provided to all students at Cobram Secondary College. Our School Captains reflected on their participation in similar experiences over their own school lives, sharing how these times led to their personal growth but also provided the fondest memories. Students shared their involvement in Dare to Dream, Cows Create Careers, participation in inter-school sports, band performances and testing. We seek to find a range of activities that suit the strengths of all students.
Our SRC have held a range of fundraisers, with Footy Colours Day at the end of Term 3 to support the educational opportunities for children with cancer. Term 4 commenced with a Casual Dress Day to raise funds for the Cobram Community Cinema Project. Our SRC President, Ellie Jones, was interviewed on Goulburn Valley ABC to share our commitment to this important community partnership.
Good luck to all students as they prepare for final exams and assessments. Remain focused, ask your teachers for help and maintain a positive working environment in the class!