Achievements & Results

Co-curricular Wrap Up | Semester One

This week wraps up the Semester One Co-Curricular subjects.  There were a wide variety of subjects offered in Semester One and I thought it is a good opportunity to share some of the things the SCHS students have been doing.  I also would like to thank the external groups who have allowed us to offer such a wide range of activities. 


Next year there are even more subjects offered and students are encouraged to try something different. They will be selecting their Co-Curricular and Sport subjects early Term 3 so now is the time to think about it.


The list of 2020 subjects are:

Below are just a few photos of students getting involved in bedside buds, dance and the Duke of Ed Program. 


Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Ed students have been planning their practice and qualifying camps. They have been participating in initiative activities, menu planning, minimal impact, and navigation. The practice camp involves a first aid course, indoor rock climbing and bushwalking in Werribee Gorge. The qualifying camp includes hiking in the Grampians and Outdoor rock climbing.



Bedside Buds

The bedside buds program is a great class to get out and about in the community working with a local aged care facility. The students create small plants and deliver these to the elderly, they then form friendships and interact with the community members fortnightly. This Co-curricular subject is led by the students and is a great way for students to make a difference.




Dance co-curricular is an opportunity for students to exercise and practise their dance skills in a fun, judgement-free environment. The focus is on body-positivity and personal fitness, and no experience is necessary. This semester we enjoyed Broadway jazz and hip-hop, and embraced our inner Beyonce to be Fierce and Flawless. We also tried Konga, which is a program created by The Jungle Body to combine dance, cardio, boxing and sculpting. Special thanks to Jade and Delaney from BeDancefit and Annalie from The Jungle Body for teaching us during the semester.


Sports News

VCE Volleyball House Competition

Like last term, we had a VCE competition running during lunchtime on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, where Year 11s would compete on Tuesday and Year 12s on Thursday. This term students had the opportunity to participate in volleyball and the games overall were close, although we didn’t have the opportunity to hold finals matches due to cancelling two weeks for chorals. For Year 11, Cottrell came first, followed by Blackwood, Rothwell and then Kororoit. For Year 12, Kororoit took first place, with Blackwood coming in second, followed by Cottrell then Rothwell. We were pleased to see the number of people that were a part of the competition, and hope that next term with soccer this enthusiasm continues. Can’t wait to see the competition that Term 3 holds!


Vinoli Fand Jordan N

School Sport Captains


Intermediate Badminton

Both the girls and boys intermediate badminton teams went to Eagle Stadium to participate in the first round of the interschool competition. There were only 3 schools in the intermediate section - Werribee Secondary College and Truganina P-9 College. The round robin format saw us facing off against Werribee, where both our girls and boys teams had won in similar fashion, 5-1 in match score. The SCHS boys and girls carried this momentum into their encounter with Truganina, winning comfortably 6-0 in match score. 


Due to all SCHS matches scheduled first, we finished on top of the competition early in the day which allowed us to train extra hard for next round. SCHS Year 9s and 10s looking good!


WMR Cross Country

On Thursday June 20 our cross-country team travelled to Brimbank Park to compete in the Western Metropolitan Regional Cross Country competition. The various age groups all competed on the same cold, slippery and hilly course. Everyone ran 3km except for the 16 and 17+ boys who ran 5km. On a physically challenging course it was great to encourage each other as a Suzanne Cory team! We had plenty of success as a team and as individuals since more than half of the girls progressed to the next round (State Trials), coming home with banners for our school. While the SCHS boys had some great races no one was able to qualify to the next round, although we did achieve some personal bests and had a unique experience.


Placings Achieved:

15yr girls team – Second place (Erin C, Premika T, Gurnoor K)

16yr girls team – First place (Anushka A, Alana M, Ashviqha S R, Mehak C)

17+yr girls team – Third place (Sophia A, Suvasini T, Nidhi M, Christina N, Maya A C)


Senior Basketball

Both  the senior boys and girls basketball teams took the eagle stadium basketball courts on Monday 24th of June, for what was an exceptionally high standard of basketball. They were competing to represent the Wyndham region in the next round of competition. The boys battled hard especially defensively but were unable to secure a win during the day. However there were a few highlights including a number of 3 pointers. The girls went down in their first two matches but responded well to win their last match of the day, well done girls!


Intermediate Boys’ Netball 

This year the intermediate boys’ netball team displayed exceptional dedication and put in the hard yards at training. Arriving at Eagle Stadium early, they were given enough time to warm up and to run drills. Once the games finally began, the boys started off with a challenging start, finding it difficult to overcome the nerves. However, with an extremely intense game, the boys were able to manage themselves adroitly, winning the game by two points. From this match, the boys were able to retain all of the things they had done well and to learn from their mistakes. As the day progressed the boys were put against difficult teams with great players; one being seven feet tall. Despite all of this, the boys did not let this intimidate them and were unnerved, using their strong team spirit to win their games. This placed the boys in the finals of this event, where they were up against Manor Lakes College (who competed at the state championships in the previous year). After a wonderfully played game, the boys were able to knock them out of the competition, which placed Suzanne Cory first out of the several schools that attended. Well done to the boys for their hard work and dedication and for sacrificing many of their lunch times training for the competition.


Bishoy K and Karan S