Student News

Relay For Life | Citizenship Fundraiser

Rain, winds, extreme winds, extreme rain and sunshine. These were all things the 127 students were subjected to over the 24-hour continuous relay event way back in March, Relay for Life 2019. Even though it was freezing cold and very wet and muddy, Suzanne Cory Soldiers soldiered on and managed to complete the somewhat gruelling 24-hour challenge.


Our team managed to run around the track, keeping the relay going and achieved a total of 437 laps with the baton in hand, but if we counted the laps people did without the baton, it would be well over 1000, showing what an amazing effort students put into this event. This was only furthered by the amount of donations that students received from family and friends, which amounted to just over $7000 dollars, truly an impressive feat for students to achieve.


All of this allowed Suzanne Cory High School to become a recipient of their first ever research award which allows for all 100% of the money we raised go towards a cancer research area, and we chose Low Survival Cancers, which includes stomach, brain, lung and liver cancer. The award is presented on the school's award display cabinet, so for anyone that participated in Relay for Life, go check it out!


Thanks again to everyone who participated, a big shout-out to Alyssa, Tarisha and Luan who stayed up all night to keep the baton moving, and congratulations to Isaac, Kevin, Charlie, Joel, Annmaria and Ngoc who all reached an amazing 100 laps on their own. Look forward to seeing you all again at Relay 2020!


Noah N and Mehar P

Whole School Citizenship Captains

Science & Engineering Challenge 2019

This year, Suzanne Cory’s STEM competition team competed in a challenge that tested their mental capabilities and problem solving skills. With the students showing dedication and commitment by attending the event on their day off of school, there was a display of exceptional teamwork and hard work.


Activities ranged from building and earthquake-proof building that could withstand heavy weights, a bionic hand, to developing codes to transmit information along fibre optic rods. After an enjoyable day, the team won the competition and placed first. Well done to all the students that participated.

Read more about Suzanne Cory's success on the Victoria University newsletter, and in the Star Weekly.


Bishoy K and Karan S

Art, Design and Technology (ADT) Week 2019

During Art, Design and Technology Week (Tuesday 16 - Friday 19 July) there will be a series of ADT themed activities and competitions running to celebrate the diversity and creativity of Suzanne Cory students. Students who participate will receive participation House points, and the winning teams will be eligible for additional house points. Please see your House Art Captains and the Compass posts to sign up for any of the following activities or competitions.


Photography Competition 

If you're a keen photographer or just getting started enter the ADT Week Photography Competition. Your photo should incorporate or reflect this year’s ADT Showcase theme ‘Doorway to Another World’. The competition is open to all year levels and can be captured on any device e.g. iPhone, SLR, Digital Camera etc. It is one entry per student and images need to be submitted to Ms. Velisha ( by Tuesday 16 July - jpeg file preferred. The submitted photos will be displayed on the SCHS Agora screen and the winner will be revealed on Friday 19 July. 


‘ADT Showcase’ Poster Competition

We are looking for a budding artist or designer from any year level to produce a creative and unique poster that will be used to promote the upcoming Term 4 ‘ADT (Arts, Design and Technology) Showcase’. The poster that is chosen will capture the theme of ‘Doorway to Another World’.


As well as contributing to House points, the winner’s poster will be displayed throughout the school and will also be used to promote the event in the school newsletter.


To be included on the poster is the following information:


1. The name of the event – ‘Doorway to Another World’

2. 2019 Arts, Design & Technology Showcase

3. Suzanne Cory High School

4. T-wing

5. Monday 25 November (Term 4, Week 8), Exhibition Opening: 6.00, Performances: 7.00

6. Must be at least an A3 sized document.


Submission due date: Entries close End of First Week of Term 3- Friday 19 July

Please submit entries to Ms. Tait via email at or on a USB.


Schedule of Activities


Tuesday | Lunchtime

House Baking | Blackwood | T2

Art | Totem Art Challenge | T4

Media | Film Quiz | Agora

Photography | Green Screen Shoot | T7

Wednesday | Lunchtime

House Baking | Cottrell | T2

Art | Totem Art Challenge | T4

Music | Workshop & Demonstration | T8

Photography | Green Screen Shoot | T7


Thursday | Lunchtime

House Baking | Kororoit | T2

art | totem art challenge | T4

IT | Algorithmics Presentation  | T6

Music | Demonstration | Agora


Friday | Lunchtime

House Baking | Rothwell | T2

Art | Totem Art Challenge | T4

Media | Green Screen Showcase | Agora

EcoCore Update | Raised Garden Beds

The passionate students of Suzanne Cory High School’s EcoCore have created a second self-watering “wicker” raised garden bed. In these garden beds the students have planted many herbs, vegetables and fruits. They hope to create two more raised garden beds outside the technology wing for use by all students.


Mr. Bruce Drummond

EcoCore Supervisor

Green Week 2019

HEY CORY! In Week 3 of Term 3, EcoCore is hosting GREEN WEEK! During this week, we will be running a series of activities that will help you to be more environmentally aware, but will also be lots of fun! Get pumped for Green Week and we’ll see you all there!!


Week-Long Eco-Challenges: Challenge yourself to be more eco-friendly all week long!

Paper Straws: in order to reduce our plastic waste, EcoCore will be supplying paper straws at the canteen for the entire week.

Nude Food: this week, we encourage you to join us in having Nude Food! Rather than bringing packaged food, why not use reusable containers?

#SCHSSustainability: during the week, use the hashtag #SCHSSustainability and tag us on Instagram to show us how you’re being environmentally aware!

Schedule of Activities


Monday:Clean Up Cory

Clean Up Cory in Term 1 was a huge success so we’re bringing it back! Meet outside the Agora in groups no larger than 5 to help make the school cleaner and more environmentally friendly. There will be prizes for the group that wins!


Tuesday:Lights Out with The Lorax

During Homegroup we will be holding a school-wide lights out to raise awareness of our energy consumption and encourage the school community to think of ways to reduce it.  Then at lunchtime we will be screening the animated film ‘The Lorax’.


Wednesday:High School Conference

Students from the four select entry schools will spend the day participating in a range of workshops and discussing the small steps we can take to a bigger change. If you want to get involved, DM us on the EcoCore Instagram account @schsecocore to volunteer OR send us a video answering the question: “What small steps do you take to make a bigger change?”


Thursday:Bake Sale & Climate Change Kahoot

We will be hosting a Climate Change Kahoot in the Agora during lunchtime. The winner will get a prize! 


While the Kahoot is running we will also be hosting our famous EcoCore Bake Sale: there will be lots of yummy treats and proceeds will go towards upcoming EcoCore projects to make our school greener.


Friday:House Tree Planting

To conclude Green Week, each house will be planting native trees in their designated areas. As well as making our school more environmentally friendly, the tree planting will symbolise the life the houses bring to the school and serve as a legacy for future students.

Biology Camp 2019

The 2019 Suzanne Cory High School Biology Camp was a wonderful opportunity for students to conduct real-world investigative fieldwork in some of Victoria's most picturesque and unique environments. Students studying Biology Unit 1 undertook fieldwork at Healesville, Marysville and Lake Mountain. The students were able to study in detail the flora and fauna that inhabit this gorgeous alpine region and later write a field report on their work.


Students stayed overnight at Marysville and hiked the stunning alpine forests of Lake Mountain. The students rounded out the trip observing native fauna and birds of prey show at the iconic Healesville Sanctuary.  All in the name of science!


Mr. Bruce Drummond

Science Teacher

Co-Curricular | Aviation

Students undertaking Aviation at Suzanne Cory High School, as well as those interested in undertaking Aviation as a career, were able to attend the Avalon Airshow Careers and Skills student information day.


Mr. Bruce Drummond

Aviation Co-Curricular Coordinator

Co-Curricular | Golf

Golf is often described as a good walk ruined, however under the expert tutelage of the pros at Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club, the golf co curricular program has been a huge success. Each Wednesday afternoon the students have been put through the basics of the biomechanics behind an effective golf swing. There are many facets to building a successful golf swing and the students have worked hard to build the fundamentals of both the long and short games. The facilities at Sanctuary Lakes golf club are fantastic for practicing both elements of the game, and I look forward to the Semester 2 program being as equally successful.


Mr. Travis Hand

Golf Co-Curricular Coordinator

Creative Writing Competitions | Student Winners

Our creative students had further success in the 2019 Young Adas, the writing competition run as part of the Williamstown Literary Festival. Of the 10 shortlisted writers, four of these were Suzanne Cory students.


Congratulations go to Katrina D, whose story ‘We Same’ won the competition. The judges’ report said that this was ‘remarkably assured’. Congratulations also to Ilham A whose ‘The Art of Being ‘Fine’’ was judged in Runner-up position. Both Katrina and Ilham were shortlisted for the competition last year as well. This is a huge achievement.


Yasmin A’s story ‘The Flower that Withers in Surrender to its Thirst’ was awarded a Highly Commended, and described as ‘poignant’ by the judges. Prabhas G was shortlisted for his work, ‘Stranded’. Prabhas, a Year 9 student, has also been shortlisted this term for another story in the Write4Fun competition.


Some of the students’ writing was inspired by our English work, particularly the Year 11 work on Adichie’s short stories. The students were awarded their certificates, and a prize for Katrina, by author Carmel Bird, who has written books about how to write.


If you’d like to read our students’ stories, you can find them in the award publication in the library. 


We are very proud of our writers and look forward to more success next year from our wonderful writers. If you’re writing and interested in entering a competition, please come and talk to me in the Kororoit staffroom, or to your English teacher. And thanks to our students’ parents for all your support!


Helen Bradwell

English PLT

2019 Musical | ‘Cinderella’ Competition Results & Show Tickets Now On Sale!

Congratulations to Catherine T for her outstanding entry in the poster competition! Please keep your eye out for her winning poster, to be seen around the Agora and T-Wing next term.

Suzanne Cory High School warmly invites you to attend our 2019 school musical: CINDERELLA.


The timeless enchantment of a magical fairy tale is reborn with the Rodgers & Hammerstein hallmarks of originality, charm and elegance. Originally presented on television in 1957, Rodgers & Hammerstein's CINDERELLA is adapted for the stage with great warmth and more than a touch of hilarity.


Suzanne Cory High School is thrilled to present this heartwarming musical, and we hope you can join us for a magical night of entertainment that's fit for the whole family!


CINDERELLA by Rodgers & Hammerstein

August 8th - 10th

Thursday & Friday 7:30pm | Saturday 2pm & 7:30pm


Performed by Suzanne Cory High School students at the SCHS Auditorium, 225 Hopper Lane, Werribee.


Produced and directed by GJ Productions

Purchase tickets online or on the door (cash only)

$20 Adult / $15 Concession / $45 Family (any four tickets)

House News | Rothwell

Semester 2 has been a one-of-a-kind rollercoaster ride for the Rothwell House filled with many ups and downs. At the end of this long journey of chorals 2019, the meritorious results reflected the amount of hours, emotional investment and tears shed by all Rothwellians. We have finally achieved a chorals victory! This great accomplishment was only possible due to the hard work put in and the thriving house spirit of the teachers, house leadership team and the Rothwell students. Not to mention, the physical and emotional energy and enthusiasm  that every Rothwellian had on the day of chorals was just outstanding.


In addition to winning house chorals, Rothwell also came first in the House Arts Competition! Congratulations to the Rothwell house art team behind the outstanding painting. On behalf of the Rothwell Leadership team, we would like to say a special "thank you" to all Rothwellians who came to school early, sacrificed their lunch breaks and even stayed back after school, those who put in the extra effort to represent Rothwell and contributed to an outstanding performance.


Aside from winning both Chorals and house arts, two Rothwellians, Vivian and Izzy, will be going to Nationals for Taekwondo in the Gold Coast and we would like to congratulate these two students, who have for Taekwondo reached a state level of competition.


 Rothwell House Captains


Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Rothwell students on what an excellent start to the new House system this semester. While change provides challenges, it also provides opportunities and the student leaders this semester have been outstanding. Thank you to the excellent student leadership team. We have seen a significant increase in participation and commitment to the house program from all the students in Rothwell house. Lastly, we would like to remind you of the commitment you have made to put some time into your wellbeing these holidays, please ensure you have a restful break, so you are full of energy for next term. Have a happy and safe holiday.


Mr. Travis Hand and Mr. Damien Van Wyk

Rothwell House Leaders