City LLEN News
Phone Call Program
In 2019 we look forward to receiving students calls and enquiries through our new Phone Call Practice program.
We have attached the flyer below as reminder!
If you have any questions, please contact us at
We are happy to provide different prompts specific to student’s needs. See our flyer below for more information.
Summer Holiday Engagement Activities
We all know teenagers often become bored over the school holidays and those teetering on the edge of dropping out may just do that as the hot weather kicks in. The LLEN has been working with our partners providing programs to young people living in public housing in the City of Melbourne to help develop and identify activities that the students want to do and where we can also slip in relationship building to facilitate careers and education pathway conversations. As a result several activities were delivered in collaboration with Drummond Street Services which included a group of young people attending the Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI) to learn all about digital comic creation which was not only heaps of fun but also educational for the students as they enhanced their IT, writing and design skills.
Free Seminar on Parenting and Teaching Teenage Girls with Autism
The City LLEN is partnering with Amaze Victoria to provide parents, teachers and welfare coordinators the opportunity to attend a forum on ‘Raising Autistic Teenage Girls’.
We invite you to join us on Thursday 21st March at the Glen Eira Town Hall to learn about empowering autistic girls, their parents and professionals with the skills to thrive and maximise their education opportunities.
Hear from psychologists Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Dr Janine Manjinova, Family Planning Victoria and an autistic self-advocate. A wide range of must-know topics will be covered, including: technology, building resilience, socialising, relationships and sexuality.
This forum is for autistic teenage girls and their parents, teachers, wellbeing officers, counsellors, psychologists, social workers and youth workers who work for and with teenage girls with autisum.
To secure your tickets; email your details to Louise Smith via and your tickets will be emailed out to you.
Multicultural Youth Census Status Report
The City LLEN attended the launch of the inaugural Multicultural Youth Census Status Report 2017/18 which was produced through a collaboration between the University of Melbourne, MYAN Australia, the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) and a range of government and community organisations from around Australia. The report provides rich insights into how young people from diverse cultural backgrounds are faring socially, economically and culturally.
You can Download the report here.
Reminder of our useful resources on our website
These include lists of:
Lists of schools in the City LLEN boundaries (City of Melbourne)
Alternative education providers in the City of Melbourne
Youth Employment, Engagement, Transitions Spaces in Victoria and the City of Melbourne