
Wellbeing Team Report
2019 has been an exciting year for The Wellbeing Team where I have lead the team in my dual role as Wellbeing & PSD Co-ordinator. We have offered unwavering support to students, staff, and families.
One area of support is with the gardening program known as Green Tradies. Students have worked intensely with our volunteers Joseph, Ernie, Lillian, and Kathryn to plant seedlings and nurture them to full growth. The students have been selling vegetables to various staff members. Students have been taught how to cook their own produce, learning about healthy and fresh food choices. Students have contributed to sustainability by growing and cooking their own vegetables. I look forward to this program continuing next year.
Quantum Support Services have facilitated support groups for many students during the year. Quantum has worked collaboratively with The Wellbeing Team, teaching students about resilience, mental health care, drug and alcohol safety, safe partying and establishing/maintaining healthy relationships. I look forward to having Quantum’s continued engagement in 2020.
Lowanna was a successful school in the Pick My Project initiative. Along with the guidance by our School Nurse Karen Thurgood, Mental Health Nurses visited Year 8 and Year 11 students to educate them about Youth Mental Health First Aid. Various staff took this opportunity for extra learning, to assist further in the support of our students. Mental Health is a contributing factor to student’s wellbeing and is cared for in many ways by our staff.
Trevor Cox, Assistant Principal was behind the Tomorrow Man sessions. Tomorrow Man held workshops at the Middle and Senior level with male students, primarily about ‘Breaking the Man Code’ which creates a unique conversation about the secret life of males and ways to re-write the rules on what it means to be a man. Tomorrow Man also facilitated a workshop on the evening for parents, to help explore ways to look after ourselves and our children.
During my role as Wellbeing Co-ordinator, I have had the pleasure of working with many students and families on a variety of platforms. Each student is a unique and developing adolescent, which has captivated me at times. I am passionate about all of our students and look forward to continue to advocate and support each student as needed in 2020.
Kate Shields has continued her role in student support. Kate has been a strength behind the organisation of student times, working in a variety of programs. She has been the driving for State Schools Relief Fund, a government program assisting families with the cost of uniforms and books.
Larnia Sobbett has worked alongside myself and our team, counseling and supporting students with her fresh and empathetic approach.
Karen Thurgood (aka Kaz), is the School Nurse who has brought a fresh vibrant aura to our team. Kaz has established groups to support students with a growth mindset and mental health wellbeing support. With her support, the Wellbeing Team has embraced services such as Headspace and Red Frogs to visit our students to offer support on a social and emotional level.
Wills Mana, the College Chaplain, was a part of the Wellbeing Team earlier in the year. Wills brought togetherness for many students who participated in Wills’ soccer team and music groups. Wills left Lowanna College in term 3 to follow other interests. We wish Wills good luck on his journey.
My year has been full of successes and positivity with growth and outcomes made by many students. I have enjoyed supporting and advocating for students with elements of wellbeing, stress, mental health, personal complexities, and relationships. I have witnessed students at Lowanna develop their social skills and form strong relationships with their peers.
My door has been open early most mornings where I have enjoyed a cup of milo or toast with a number of students. Not one of these students have yet to try my morning turmeric and banana shake, some have smelled the turmeric and have politely declined my offer. This is the innocence of children which I will recall fondly. I look forward to working with many of you again in 2020.
2019 will be my last year working as PSD Co-ordinator, a role I have shared with Sarah Lynne. During my time as PSD Co-ordinator I have lead a dedicated team of Integration Aides and Trainees. I thank you each of you for your commitment to each PSD students as well as the additional student support to many classrooms. Thank you for being part of this team.
2020 has a change in culture at Lowanna. I will be focusing solely on Student Support and Wellbeing as I continue with my present role as Wellbeing Co-ordinator.
Merry Christmas and I wish you all a safe and happy holidays.
Donna Perkins
Wellbeing Co-ordinator