
Careers Report
Wow this year has flown by! The careers program has been filled with so many events and activities which have been hugely successful…
I am Ready Program
The ‘I am Ready’ program has been fantastic in offering additional support to our students in readiness for employment. The program was conducted in three stages, with Stage One – I am Exploring beginning in term 2. Over 8 weeks students attended workshops to improve their work readiness skills by building confidence, exploring their interests areas and providing training in employability skills such as team building, dressing for success, mock interviews and industry visits. Stage Two – I am becoming ready provided the bridge between developing work readiness and work experience. Finally with Stage Three – I am ready – students entered into supported structured workplace learning opportunities. Our students have gained so much from being part of this amazing program. The program finished off with a celebration lunch to recognise their achievements and participate in a workshop forum. The lunch also included guest speaker, Beau Vernon, who was a truly inspirational man. Beau spoke with the students about overcoming their challenges and having a positive mindset to achieve their goals. Congratulations to Ben Koot, Ebony Dawson and Caitlyn Thompson who participated in the program. Lowanna College would also like to thank ‘I am ready’ in conjunction with the Baw Baw LLEN for overseeing this wonderful program.
STEM Sisters Ambassador Program
As our STEM sisters program comes to an end we reflect on what has been a year filled with exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) events. The students have been on local industry tours, taster days at Gippsland Tech School, Royal Women’s Hospital – Meet a Scientist, L’Oreal Melbourne University Science Forum and a celebration event. This program has given our students an informative look into the STEM fields and the vast array of careers within these areas. During the program our students have conducted themselves incredibly well and were great representatives of Lowanna College.
Congratulations to Mai-Ling Promdonchat, Eliza Walsh, Tracy Anseline, and Mi Krutbangyang for being fantastic STEM sisters!
Year 9 ‘My Career Portfolio’
‘My Career Portfolio’ is designed to support students with resources to capture their career goals and plans, share their skills, experiences and accomplishments, and keep all the information they will need to plan their education and career pathways. Students can use My Career Portfolio to create and update an online career action plan, store files related to their course and career planning, such as their Morrisby Online report, resumes, awards and examples of their school work (e.g. videos and artworks) and access links to current information and resources to support course and career exploration. Our Year 9 cohort have been working through this during November and December. It’s great to see so many students using their Morrisby Careers Report as a platform into their pathway planning. We will continue to access this portfolio next year and it will also be rolled out to all remaining students in Years 7 to 12 in 2020.
Industry Thank You Breakfast
On Friday 29th November we hosted an ‘Industry thank you’ breakfast. This breakfast was designed to say a big thank you to local businesses that have supported our work experience and work placement programs over recent years. It was a fantastic morning, celebrating wonderful connections between school and industry, while hearing speeches from students about their work experiences.
Careers Website
Please follow below link or access through the Lowanna College website under ‘Careers’