Middle School

Middle School Report
Well here we are for our last newsletter for the year, and 2019 has been a big year for Middle School!
The end of year Head Start program was well attended; giving the students a glimpse into next year’s program.
We would like to welcome the year 8’s who have started their Head Start program into year 9, the transition into their Middle School classes has gone smoothly.
We wish our year 9’s continued success in 2020 in their year 10 classes.
To the 2019 year 9 & 10 students we congratulate you all on your success of the years’ work.
Congratulations to all students who have received awards for your hard work.
The Middle School Camp to Queensland was a huge success again this year. Reports of laughter, screaming and generally having a good time seemed to be the consensus of all who attended. The staff at the accommodation were very impressed with the behaviour of our students, which is always pleasing to hear. Congratulations.
I urge parents to check that your child has the correct uniform as per the Lowanna College uniform policy for the start of the year and if necessary to take the holiday time to update your childs uniform.
Students are also reminded of the importance of school attendance. All students should strive for 100% attendance, as this will give them the best opportunity to achieve successful outcomes in their learning.
Please ensure that all absences are recorded on Compass or a phone call/note are given to the Middle School Office.
Last of all a big thank you to the Middle School team who help the Middle School run extremely smoothly.
We wish all families a happy and safe holiday and ready for a fresh start in the New Year.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Manager