Junior School

Junior School Report
Welcome to the final Junior School report for 2019
As 2019 draws (far too quickly!!) to a close, I have taken a few moments to reflect on a busy and productive year that has seen our Junior School community involved in a wide range of activities including academic, sporting, cultural and social. What has sprung to the front of my mind is a myriad of moments that I have witnessed and shared with students of both genuine joy and excitement as well as perseverance through frustration. Recalling the looks of happiness on student's faces, the echoing sounds of laughter as they move around the yard and the furrowed brows of concentration culminating in that wide-eyed “aha” moment all remind me why teachers have one of the best jobs there is. It is this breadth of experiences over the year, the challenges and the successes, that have resulted in great individual growth and learning amongst all of our students. Reflecting on these moments makes me very proud to be part of the Junior School and to work alongside the great students and staff who attend here each day. I would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to parents for your support this year.
All students participated in Headstart last week – during this time they got to know their teachers for 2020 as well as meeting their classmates and gaining an early start on the content they will be continuing with next year. It is critical that all students approach the Headstart period with a commitment to work hard and complete any homework that is set over the holidays in order to establish a solid foundation for success in 2020. I know this time can cause some anxiety for students and their families but it has been great to see everyone embracing the change and making the most of the new opportunities and keeping their learning at the forefront of their minds. It was exciting to welcome and meet our 2020 Year 7 students on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 December. Their energy, excitement, and enthusiasm was contagious and a breath of fresh air at a time of year when students and staff alike are all a bit tired. Thank you to all of our current Year 7 students who were great ambassadors for the school and helped to make these new students feel so welcome during these days.
We look forward to students taking part in end of year activities this week. I know there are a number of students who were excited to head to Gumbuya World on Monday, and there will be a variety of activities taking place here on site for those students who are not attending these opt-in excursions. The final day for students will be Wednesday, December18 and our Presentation Evening will take place that night, commencing at 7 pm in the Auditorium. Families of those students who are receiving an award should have already received communication concerning arrangements for this and I am looking forward to celebrating the achievements of our students – both in Junior School and across the whole College – in what is always a really positive and uplifting evening!
I wish all of our families a relaxing and joyous break and a very Merry Christmas. I look forward to seeing everyone back on January 30 next year – refreshed, and eager to make the most of the opportunities that 2020 has in store!
Nicole Taylor
Junior School Leader