Student's Work

National Sorry Day

In honour of National Sorry Day, Ladiya has created this powerpoint for us:


Year 10 Media Studies - Recut Trailers

Last term in Year 10 Media Studies, we focused on narrative fiction filmmaking, with a particular focus on the conventions of different genres. To demonstrate their understanding, students were tasked with re-editing a film into a short trailer, but making it look like it is a different Genre to the original.


They chose a film and used the editing program Premiere Pro to pick clips that matched their chosen genre. They then included titles and music to give it the final touches. Below is just a small selection of the many great trailers the class made.


Luis - Home Alone as a Horror Film

Helaena - Coraline as a teen comedy

Holly - Finding Nemo as a Horror film

Yabets - Home Alone as a Horror Film