Year 8 and 9 Reflection Days with YMT Melbourne

It has been a busy time over the last week with both our Year 8s and 9s having their Reflection Days. It has been great to have these back again this year, as they provide an opportunity for students to work together in large and small groups through activities. The theme for both days was “Self Image”. The outcomes of the programs were for students to appreciate the gift of their own uniqueness, to be free to be themselves and to avoid changing their attitudes or behaviour to gain the acceptance of others, for them to recognise the impact they can have on how others perceive their own value and dignity and for students to recognise they have their own profound dignity and value. It was a fabulous day led by eight enthusiastic young people who have volunteered their time as part of the Youth Mission Team. What an inspirational team they were!

My thanks to all students who were involved, staff who attended and Ms Haeusler, Ms Howison, Ms Op’tHoog and Dave Daly who graciously accommodated the team while they were here.


May 23-29 - Catholic Education Week - Celebrating 200 Years

In recognition of 200 years of Catholic education in Australia, Catholic Education Week 2021 will align with school communities across Australia in celebrating this landmark event. The theme for the week is Faith in the Future which speaks of the essence of hope in faith, so needed against the backdrop of this year. A central focus of the week will be the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Patron of Australia, on Monday 24 May. Mrs Haeusler, along with Toni Mia Scalora and Campbell Kelly will be attending a celebration Mass in Ballarat on this day.


On Thursday, 27th May, we will be celebrating our CESH (Catholic Education Swan Hill) Mass in a somewhat altered way! The restrictions that are still in place affect the number of people we can gather together, so it has been decided that Years 7 and 12 from our college along with Foundation, Grades 5 and 6 will attend the Mass at St Mary’s Church. Unfortunately this also means we cannot allow parents/guardians to attend this Mass. Although disappointing both schools and families cannot come together to celebrate Catholic Education, I am grateful we can have a “live” Mass this year instead of a pre-recorded one!!  

Loving God, who chose the Virgin Mary to be the Mother of your Only Begotten Son, the light of the world, grant, through her intercession, that the light of Christ may shine over this land, guiding us in the way of justice and love.

We pray for Australia, our earthly home, with the help of Mary, may we become a new creation in Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Jesus light of the world guide us

St Joseph journey with us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop pray for us.