David's Message

Sail into a universe of possibilities...



As you are all aware, we will be remote learning for another week due to the numbers of COVID-19 cases that are still appearing in the community. I know this is a challenging time for all of us and I am very grateful to Francine for sharing mental health and wellbeing resources for students, staff and parents. The Beyond Blue line is an essential service for many people and if you are finding things challenging please make sure you reach out. Our Educational Support team have been providing additional videos, Webex sessions and support for our students with additional needs; our teaching teams have also been highly active supporting with Seesaw codes, additional teaching and encouragement for our students. Please continue to make contact either via Xuno messages or the school office if there are additional needs that your child has with remote learning. 


Our students have been responding to tasks and being creative with their learning through Seesaw. I have loved being able to look through at 5B's thoughts on statistics as they flipped their disposable cups, the grade 4's science pictures and especially the reading reflections in our grade 1/2 area. I am also incredibly proud of the commentary and feedback that both teachers are providing, and that students have been giving to themselves and each other during check in sessions. The demonstration of our value of commitment despite the uncertainty of our return is a valiant sign that our students and families are displaying great resilience with their learning. 

David's assembly outfit
David's assembly outfit

For myself, I have been in isolation for the last few days and I am very much looking forwards to being able to leave the house for a walk on Saturday. My daughter Maia has found the experience to be especially challenging given her highly sociable nature. As well as providing lots of hugs and talking about our emotions, we have been using FaceTime with her friends, our family in the UK and in the US to feel connected to the outside world. I hope each of you has been able to do the same - today's assembly was great for me to be able to see our smiling students, staff and families. 


We will continue to keep you informed of the changes to restrictions and what these mean for school and our return as we receive them from the department. We are all very hopeful of a swift return to school and having our students and families back with us again next week.