From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Feast of Pentecost

As we mark the end of the Easter with Pentecost Sunday, I would like to share with you a short excerpt that takes us a little deeper into the significance of time known as the Birthday of Chrsitian Church.



“Have you ever heard Pentecost Sunday referred to as the birthday of the Church? Indeed, this is true! This solemn feast commemorates the day when the gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles, bereft after Christ’s ascension. This gift of the Spirit gave them the power to go among all peoples preaching the gospel of Christ, thus beginning the Church.  Jesus had told them that He must leave so that the Holy Spirit could come, Who would comfort them. But as St. John Henry Newman teaches in his sermon “The Indwelling Spirit,” we must grasp the Holy Spirit in a deeper way so as to fully comprehend this great gift offered to each one of us. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, God Himself, Who resides in us. This is His “indwelling.” 


The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is God taking up permanent residence in the heart of those who have been reborn by belief in Christ as Savior. As Newman writes, “This wonderful change from darkness to light, through the entrance of the Spirit into the soul, is called Regeneration, or the New Birth; a blessing which, before Christ’s coming, not even Prophets and righteous men possessed, but which is now conveyed to all men freely through the Sacrament of Baptism.”  

Cited from 

Our St Simon’s Community - Delving Deeper!

Every week in the newsletter we have insight into all the different learning and community building experiences that are happening in the St Simon’s Community.

This week I encourage you to delve deeper into some of the sections of the newsletter that you may normally overlook (I get it, we are all very busy and often we just go to the relevant section of interest).  We are a blessed community with so many people sharing their gifts and talents in service of others and sharing God’s love.


Commencing next week, Modie Wesley, Learning Support Officer will be commencing a period of leave.  I wish Modie and her family well during this time of rest and relaxation.



God bless






Tom Wursthorn
