Our Catholic Identity

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - Feast Day (Saturday, August 8)

Last Friday St Joseph’s school community celebrated the feast day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Each class participated in a liturgy in the hall or library. Thank you to the Yr 6 Liturgy Team for supporting infants classes and to all the students for their prayerful participation and taking up the challenged to be more like Mary each day by: 


“never seeing a need without doing something about it”.



Sacramental  Program for 2020

First Holy Communion 

Thank you for all that have booked and finalised payment.  Reminders have been sent to those that have outstanding payments.  Payment for this sacrament is to be made through the COMPASS Parent Portal under EVENTS.



Sacrament of Confirmation

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, only the Confirmation candidate (the child), their sponsor, and one parent will be able to attend. We thank you for your understanding and will communicate if this changes.


Online bookings will OPEN at 8:00 am Thursday 6 August 2020 and will CLOSE this Friday 14 August 2020 at 5pm.


Monday 2 November

Tuesday 3 November 

Wednesday 4 November 


Please see the attached flyer on how to book your preferred Mass.



Confirmation enrolment forms need to be returned by this Friday 14 August.  


Thank you for all that have finalised payment.   Payment of $25 for this sacrament is to be made through the COMPASS Parent Portal under EVENTS




Katy Gilles shares her story of seeking a deeper connection with God. And it was from this experience that Katy went on to create places for others to connect. Spaces where people can be authentic, can be heard and can be held. In her role as a Family Educator in the Sydney Archdiocese Katy created spaces for mothers and children under five years to meet weekly and over the last six years she has created opportunities for women to gather annually for a retreat at the Hermitage in Mittagong. During these years Katy has witnessed first-hand the way in which our relationships deepen through our willingness to be vulnerable. For all those seeking to create spaces for parents to meet and share their spirituality this Episode provides invaluable wisdom and experience.


"In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen." Brene Brown


EPISODE 9: Creating Spaces for Connections


MEDITATION 9: Meditation on Vulnerability