From the Leader of Boarding

Dear Boarding Families,

Welcome to this edition of Mount Erin Boarders' Buzz.

Boarding is a team effort. We have a great group of qualified staff who enjoy each other's company and who together, work towards supporting the students in our care. In terms of pastoral care, the most important resource for boarding is staff. All boarding schools work very hard to employ quality staff and retain them.

Benjamin Disraeli is attributed to saying "Change is inevitable, Change is constant".


The year has already seen change in how we operate due to COVID-19 and I must congratulate both staff and our boarding students on how well they have adapted to this unwanted event. Another change which can be challenging to young people in particular, and also to colleagues,  is when a staff member leaves. 

A tree of thumbprints presented to Mrs. T
A tree of thumbprints presented to Mrs. T

One of our highly valued staff members is moving on.  It is with sadness that we farewell our Junior Girls Boarding Supervisor, Mrs Jackie Tassell endearingly referred to by the students as "Mrs T".  Jackie is taking up a new position at St Pauls' College which will allow her to be closer to her family. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jackie for her passion and commitment invested in Mount Erin Boarding and in particular, the care of the young people in her charge. On behalf of the Mount Erin Boarding Community,  we wish Jackie all the best for her new role.


Replacing Jackie in the short term until a replacement can be appointed, will be Mrs Robin Bussenschutt. Robin is a teacher with a wide range of experience including  as a Head of Junior school, Head of Boarding House and Head of Girls Boarding both in Australia and overseas. We thank Robin very much for taking on this role at short notice.

From Left to right:

Boarding staff members: 

Junior Boys Supervisor: Michael McTaggart

Transport Officer: James Mortenson

Leader of Boarding: John Bussenschutt

Junior Girls Supervisor: Jackie Tassell

Activities Officer: Jody Siegwalt

HSC Trial Exams

We would like to wish our Year 12 students all the best for the HSC Trial Exams beginning on the 17th August. Mount Erin Boarding will remain open during the day for the boarders so that they can return home at the end of an exam and study between exams. Due to COVID-19, baording students will not be able to take street leave but will instead be able to make toast in the kitchen under the supervision of our Catering Manager Mr. Dave Lugton.



Application to drive a car 

It is timely to remind students and parents about the application process by parents for their son/ daughter to drive a car to Mount Erin.

The application form will be available from the Mount Erin Boarding website which can be accessed  from both Kildare and Mater Dei websites or by contacting the Boarding Office on 6932 6199.


The form is lodged with the Boarding Office for the Leader of Boarding to approve. It is essential that parents and students are aware that a car must not be brought to Mount Erin before the form is approved and signed.


The use of a car to come to Boarding is a Year 12 privilege only. New Year 12 students in Term 4 may only apply to have a car on site once the current Year 12 students have completed their HSC and have left boarding.

Year 12 Graduation

Due to the restrictions being placed on the Colleges and Boarding as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,  the 2020 Year 12 Graduation will be a modified event.  I again emphasis that decisions about the nature of the function and those who can attend are being made in accordance with Catholic Schools NSW and NSW Health requirements. These restrictions mean that groups of parents cannot be on site at Mount Erin and accordingly, parents will be unable to be present at this year's Graduation.


The liturgy, presentation and farewell to the graduands will be live streamed to parents/carers, with the link being made closer to 2 September.


We recognize the importance of celebrating this significant milestone for our Year 12 students  and we will endeavour make the graduation ceremony as special as possible.

Boarding Representaive Council (BRC)

The BRC meets with the Leader of Boarding and Boarding House Captains every fortnight and consists of representatives from each year level and each gender. Current issues being discussed include the evening and morning daily routine, Year 10 study and  a food survey.


The food survey was designed by the House Captains and has so far had 83 responses from the boarding house students.

We will publish the findings of the survey in the next edition of Boarders' Buzz. The BRC has welcomed the attendance at two recent meetings of our Catering Manager, Mr. Dave Lugton. 






Mount Erin Boarding Website

Mount Erin Boarding's new website is now up and running. It can be accessed from both the Kildare or Mater Dei College Websites by clicking on BOARDING. The Mount Erin Boarding URL is:


Please take some time to look over the contents of the new website. While it provides information for prospective boarders, it is also a good source for current families. The Boarding Parent and Student Handbook and key Policies are included on the Publications page as a ready reference. Links are provided to REACH and our key partners at Mount Erin.


Also, please follow us on Facebook.


  Mr. John Bussenschutt

Leader of Boarding