Year 8
Dear Year 8 Students, Families and Staff
Welcome to Term 3 and a return to Remote Learning. Thank you to you all for your wonderful support and the tremendous effort, enthusiasm and energy which was clearly present both onsite and remotely last week.
We all know that this is an extremely challenging time. All we can do is our best on any given day.
Students, I want to thank you for checking in with your teachers and for following your regular timetable. Remember it is really important to be marked present for each lesson. Please notify the college if you need to be absent for an appointment or otherwise.
Always do the very best you can and if you need help please reach out to us.
Parents and families, if you are in any way concerned about your son please do not hesitate to contact myself or the Homeroom Teacher.
I am certainly happy to make a call or chat with you at any time. It is important students, that you remember to keep a balance with study and recreation. Try to get some fresh air and exercise and take regular breaks from
your computer screen. Make the most of the Wellbeing/ Catch-up afternoons and stay connected with us and each other. Let’s keep each other in our prayers and be mindful of the importance of our spiritual wellbeing.
At present, many of you will be aware that we have commenced our surveys to gain an understanding of student interest regarding elective choices for next year. Please let me stress that at this stage this is for the purpose of information gathering only. No student is locked in to a particular set of choices. Please try to see this process as giving the students a taste of a variety of electives. It certainly does not lock any student into a career path.
Finally, we look forward to chatting with you during Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews. Please check your CareMonkey notifications and contact us if you need assistance or have questions.
God Bless and stay safe.
Dee O'Neill
Year 8 Coordinator