Classroom News 

Year 5/6 Virtual NGV Tour: Marking Time



Tuesday 21st July, Year 5/6 students were invited to join a virtual tour of the art gallery hosted by John Parkinson. The tour provided students an opportunity to explore indigenous art over time. 'This exhibition explores drawings and markings of figures, signs or text made on public surfaces across Indigenous Australia, from rock face to now. The impulse to draw and make images is deeply embedded in Indigenous cultures throughout the world and is fundamental to the human experience.'


Students also had the opportunity to draw aspects of their own culture and the exhibition showed markings from historical rock and bark drawings to current day neon designs.


Here are some thoughts from students:

Virtual art gallery tour

On Tuesday, the year 5/6 students went on a virtual excursion to the national art gallery. We learnt about indigenous art . We learnt how images and symbols traveled in the community. They were originally painted on rocks, and then others painted them on tree bark. We saw paintings of spirits and symbols. One artist used LED lights to show symbols. At the end we created our own symbols that represent our culture or things we love to do. It was a fun experience and I'm glad we were able to see the gallery. Sylvie.


I really enjoyed looking at all the arts. Oscar


I thought to myself wow, everything was so creative and so inspiring. Jasmine

Jasmine's two minute sketch
Jasmine's two minute sketch
Jakob's notes and sketches
Jakob's notes and sketches

Check out the MakerSpace Website Page where everyone can create their own artwork.

Jenny Del Prete


REMOTE LEARNING ~ It's time to argue!!


I think some Year 5 students pre-empted what we were planning this term (debating) and have begun to argue and put forward a point of view. Love it!

Maleah, Sylvie, Hanna, Nikita and Ankita organised a Google Meet (through their teachers as per protocols) to put together a solid argument as to the reintroduction of Google Hangouts. Here is just some of their work....


                                         Why we should have Google Hangouts back!

By Nikita, Sylvie, Ankita, Maleah and Hanna 


Hello teachers, we as a group, have decided that we all want google hangouts back, so we have made these following slides to convince you. Each slide is written by a different student showing their perspective as to why we should have google hangouts back. We have all got great reasons as to why you should consider bringing back google hangouts and it would be greatly appreciated if you could take these reasons into account. 

Thank you!!!