Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community


During these challenging times I would like to reassure you, that as a community, we are here to help and support you in whatever capacity we can. Our community's heightened concerns about our loved ones well being, and apprehension about a foreseeable timeline for a return to normality are justifiable. As a consolation, I can assure you that the Sacred Heart School staff continue to work with passion and commitment to minimise the impact of these challenges on your children's education. Your child's well being is at the foundation of everything we do, and at this time, our awareness of the need to keep this at the forefront of everything we do is magnified.


I ask that you let your child's teacher know if you have any concerns about their "distance education" learning and/or about any well being issues that may arise during this period.


Face Masks

As you would be aware, the Victorian Government has mandated the wearing of masks during the vast majority of activities we participate in, except for persons under the age of twelve. Our students currently attending school do not have to wear a mask but I understand and respect the decision of any parent who wants their child to wear a mask at school. Our staff are not required to wear a mask whilst teaching but do need to wear one on yard duty, attending students in the sick bay and in the staff room.


Temperature Testing

As detailed in last weeks newsletter, all students attending school during this period will have their temperature tested before they enter the school grounds.  Generally  the temperature checks will be conducted by myself. Like all schools, we have received non-contact infrared thermometers for taking our student's temperatures. If a student's temperature is deemed to be high (ie 37.5 degrees Celsius or above), their parent/guardian will be asked to take them home. Again like all the protocols we have had to put in place and you have so respectfully followed, this protocol is to help ensure the safety of our school  community. 



I would like to welcome our two newest students to our school, brothers Tristan (Year Prep) and Carlos (Year 5). Tristan and Carlos have moved to Preston with their family and I know as we do with all our new families, they will be made to feel at home very quickly. Again welcome Tristan and Carlos.


Student Reports/Parent Teacher Interviews

Student reports for semester one will be sent out online this Wednesday. If you have requested a hard copy of your child's report these will be available from the school office on Wednesday. Any parents/guardians who want a hard copy and have not requested one need to email Belinda early next week.

A letter detailing arrangements for parent teacher interviews will be sent home next week.


Some photos of our students working at school



Facebook Page

I would like to take this opportunity again to advertise a Sacred Heart Parents Group on our school Facebook page. Amelia (mother of Julian and School Board member), has very kindly set up a forum for parents to seek help and suggest ideas during this next phase of distance education. The group is on our school's Facebook page. I would encourage all parents who have Facebook to join our group. Already their has been some great ideas presented and postings for a laugh during these challenging times.



School Closure Date

Again I would ask that all families be aware of a school closure day on Friday 14th August. On this day the staff will be working on preparing or our school review in term four.

Our second school closure day for this term on Monday 7th September is subject to the COVID 19 virus restrictions. We will make a decision about this day very soon.


Please stay safe everyone


Yours sincerely

Mark Tierney
