Specialist News 



This term Prep – 2 students are working on a unit of work called ‘Tengo Miedo’ – I am scared. As part of this unit, we are talking about fears, listening to stories (no scary ones!), singing songs and drawing. We are learning a song called 10 Arañas (10 spiders) – see if your child can remember it!


Year 3-4 students are working towards reading their first (easy) Spanish novel! It is called Edi el elefante. To prepare ourselves to read, we have been learning ‘pequeño’ (small) and


 ‘grande’ (big) and talking about ‘Yo puedo’ (I can). Soon we will be ready to read and understand the first chapter!


Year 5/6s have read a funny cartoon story ‘La Lucha de la Limonada’ (The Battle for 

Lemonade) on the Señor Wooly site and are completing activities (or nuggets) based on the story. Soon we are going to learn some new vocabulary and background in order to read our first novice Spanish novel ‘El capibara con botas’ (The capybara with boots). You may wish to prepare your child by discussing what a capybara is and watching some videos about them! 


Parents of 5/6 students may have received an email asking permission for their child to use Garbanzo. This is a closed educational site for learning Spanish and is excellent! Please say yes! Both sites – Señor Wooly and Garbanzo may be accessed from home if your child wants extra Spanish work. 


Here are some awesome drawings of fears from some of the Prep – 2 students!


Adiós for now!
