Principal's Report

Mrs Clare Healy

Dear Members of the O’Connor Catholic College community,


Thank you for a successful Term 1. I have really enjoyed moving around the College and witnessing the learning that is taking place. 


I hope you all enjoy the wonders of Holy Week and Easter and have a well deserved break. It has been a challenge with the shadow of Covid-19 still affecting our community. I am very grateful that we have been able to continue the great learning.


Thank you for the way in which you have demonstrated your love for our great College. That could have been through getting involved in debating, Da Vinci Competition, sporting teams, at the various shows or exercising diligence in the classroom, seeking feedback from teachers on your performance, advocating for the College or modelling exemplary behaviour towards others. Attitude, choice, and action all contribute to our success as a College. I look forward to seeing you all upon your safe return in Term 2.


A Lasallian Prayer


Let me be the change I want to see

To do with strength and wisdom 

All that needs to be done.

And become the hope that I can be.

Set me free from my fears and hesitations

Grant me courage and humility

Fill me with spirit to face the challenge

And start the change I long to see.


Today I start the change I want to see.

Even if I’m not the light

I can be the spark

In faith, service, and communion.

Let us start the change we want to see.

The change that begins in me.


God Bless,


Clare Healy
