Student Achievements

Recently our own Noah W not only won a triathlon, but he was also crowned the overall winner of the 2XU Tri Series for the 12-13 year old age group. He has been working so hard training before and after school in running, cycling and swimming, and it all paid off. What an amazing achievement, well done Noah!
CHS student Josie L has recently competed at the National Championships for Taekwondo in Brisbane and came home with a bronze medal! Josie has been training at Team Taekwondo for about 14 years, and here is a bit more about her training:
I train with my team 3 times a week, the classes run for about 1 hour and 15 mins. To prepare for the competition we worked on maintaining our fitness, increasing our stamina and learning new skills to use during the fight.
I think the most challenging part is the moment right before you step on the mats to fight as you realise it's real. We spend hours and hours waiting for our turn to fight (which is over in about 10 mins) and it can be tiring and mentally draining, but you get a rush of adrenaline after it's over which is pretty cool.
I do get a bit nervous while fighting but I believe it's more of a mental thing. I try to have a positive mindset all the time so even if I lose I just move on and prepare for the next.
There are heaps of benefits to doing a sport like taekwondo, you learn how to defend yourself if you ever need to, you form great friendships with your teammates who you get to travel around with, it teaches you how to be mentally strong and it keeps you really fit and healthy. It also makes you feel really good and proud when you achieve anything such as moving up a belt, perfecting a new skill or competing.
Well done Josie, we look forward to hearing more about your taekwondo in the future!