


When the students arrived for school, I could instantly tell they were nervous. Some students really benefitted from getting a bit of time to sharpen up their forehand in the gym before departing. The following students represented the school honourably: Hakeem Skymmar, Warryck Robati-Makiatea, Minakshi Regar, Valery Quintero Pineda, Andrae Prowd, Jake Paul, Mahi Patel and the late call up, Aayan Hasan. 

The day was filled with the fun and laughter, with students improving massively as they gained experience. Players of the day went to Hakeem and Mahi, who were seeded as number 1 and played the opposition’s best players. Both the boys and girls teams finished 2nd  in their respective pools. Well done! 




The team was on the back foot from the beginning- We only had 3 Senior boys and 2 Senior girls attend the big day. The day was a huge one, with very little break between matches. Both teams played tenaciously, even though we had less players, we gave all teams a run for their money. 


The Senior boys drew against IKOM as our boys best player Donovan played 2 singles matches in a row, while Haroun and Dheeman courageously played their doubles match against the oppositions best players. The next 2 matches against Werribee and Suzanne Cory were much the same, with the boys taking it right to them, all without a full team. 


The Senior girls team, made up of Paige Te Ture and Helina Terfa was truly an inspiration. They played non-stop from 10-2, with the 2 girl team, taking on and beating all 4 players from Werribee in singles and doubles matches. They then went up against Suzanne Cory and again, played the 6 girl squad, only to be pipped at the post in the last matches. A big shout out to these girls who gladly took on opponent after opponent, never giving up, and somehow finding the energy to push through and win 6/8 games. 


Overall, a great day was had by all and to all the students involved- you should be proud of yourselves, you were magnificent! 


Ben Scicluna

Health and PE teacher