Message from the Principal Team

Principals' Update

Welcome Back

A very warm welcome back to everyone for term two. We hope that you all had an opportunity to have a break and spend some time with family and friends. We are looking forward to a busy and productive term ahead with some important events and activities coming up. 

  • NAPLAN testing for years 3 and 5 students will begin on the 10th of May and continue formally until the 13th of May, with catch up tests for absent students available until the 20th of May. 
  • Our Trivia night will be happening on the 13th of May at 6:30pm at 75 Reid Street. Tickets are still available to purchase from the office. It is sure to be a great evening. 
  • The prospective student open day will take place on the 17th of May with year 5 and 6 students conducting tours with prospective families.

COVID Restrictions

As you will have seen in the Compass update that was sent earlier in the week, Covid restrictions have changed in schools this term. Masks, although still encouraged, are no longer required in school settings for students, staff or parents. RAT testing will continue for the first four weeks of this term and positive test results need to be communicated to the school as they were in term 1. Unlike term one, close contacts are no longer required to isolate for seven days, however close contacts are required to wear a mask at school unless they have a valid exemption and must continue to receive a negative RAT 5 times in the next 7 day period.

Cross Country

We had a wonderful cross country competition take place at Princes Park on Wednesday. Congratulations to all who took part and thank you to the parents who came along to assist with the running of the day. Our students showed great spirit and they supported each other so well, clapping and cheering each student as they crossed the finish line. 

Curriculum Days

We will be having a student free Curriculum Day next Wednesday May 4th. On this day we will be undertaking a review of our inquiry process, discussing the preliminary outcomes of the school review and refining planning for term 2.

Professional Development Days

Professional Development Days for teachers have been reinstated this term with the finalisation of the schools’ agreement. Due to the serious lack of relief teachers in the system at present, the department has asked us to hold a whole staff Professional Development Day this term. Once a date is finalised further communication will be sent out.

Principal Selection

Interviews were held at regional office today for the CNPS Acting Principal role for term 2. A quick announcement regarding the successful applicant is expected and will be communicated to the community as soon as it is received.

School Council News

Congratulations to the fundraising subcommittee for a super successful end of term BBQ. It was a wonderful afternoon with great attendance from the community. We were also able to raise around $600 for flood relief. A great success!

Repairs have been completed to the artificial turf and the cracks in the render over the school holiday break. A meeting is also scheduled to progress the installation of acoustic panelling in the school and we hope that work can begin on this soon.


Keith McNeill & Jane Bilby