Primary School News

Our Year 5 students "horsing around" on one of their stops on the way to their Ballarat Camp - we hope they have a wonderful, educational experience

From the Primary School

Primary Awards Night and Carols

This year we will be combining our Primary Awards Night with our Carols and it will be held in the Fr John Neill OP Gymnasium on Wednesday 5 December at 6:00pm. This will involve the presentation of three awards per class as well as the Year 6 Graduation Ceremony (and of course carols throughout the evening). We hope all families will be able to join us for this special event.


Carly Ryan Foundation

Earlier this week the Carly Ryan Foundation presented to interested parents, information on Online Safety, which is something very pertinent to all families from Primary onwards.


Gaming Seminar

Next Tuesday evening at the University of SA (City West) Cam Adair, the world’s leading authority on gaming addiction and healthy gaming, is presenting a seminar for parents and educators. He will look at how video games are designed to keep young people hooked and the steps to recovery from addiction. Again this is very timely and important in today’s world of online games. More info can be found via this link:


Ballarat Camp

Our Year 5 boys and their teachers are currently on the Ballarat Camp as part of their Goldfields History study. Reports suggest they have settled well, have been behaving, having fun and learning lots. We thank their teachers for giving up their family time to be with them. They will return Friday evening.


Migration Museum Project

Our Year 6 boys completed and displayed their Migration Museum project last Friday. It was a fantastic showcase of their knowledge drawing on family members or friends as their subjects. The details of the lives of these significant people and their stories were as fascinating as they were inspirational. The boys loved doing it and they excelled. Well done boys and teachers!


Dates to Remember:

9 November – Primary Mass prepared by Year 1R

15 November – Whole School Mass 10:00am (St Albert the Great)

16 November – School Closure for Feast of St Albert the Great

23 November – Primary Assembly (presented by Year 3P.  Year 6 Father/Son Camp

30 November – Reception – Year 6 Orientation Morning for new and current boys

5 December – Primary Awards/Carols Evening (including Year 6 Graduation)

6 December – End of Term (1:00pm dismissal - OSHC available)


Mr Frank Ali