News From the Principal

Dear parents/caregivers and community members,
As Term 1 2018 comes to a close, I have taken time to reflect on some substantial achievements and highlights that have taken place across the term.
This has included: Acquaintance Night, introducing our new Levelled Behaviour Scheme (LBS), new JP playground, opening of our wonderful Nature Play space situated in Yard B, Acquaintance Night, completion of the STEM facility, introduction of STEM as NIT subject, Port SAPSASA Swimming (1st overall), Port SAPSASA Athletics carnival (2nd overall), whole school performance – The Protectors, Power Youth Workshops (Yr 6/7), Harmony Day, Knockout Softball, Crows Cup - girls football carnival (Yr 6/7), visits to Le Fevre High School (Yr 6 & 7’s) and Ocean View College (Yr 7’s), Virtual Reality excursion (Yr 5’s), Schools Congress- Anti Racism forum, regular lunch clubs being run by teachers for our students.
Today, I had the pleasure to accompany Karen Smith and the year 3-7, level 4 LBS students on their trip to Pt Malcolm Reserve. Congratulations to the students involved and thank you to the parents who supervised this trip.
We are really pleased with how our Reception students have settled into school life. Fantastic effort!
We look forward to a busy term 2 which includes reports going home in weeks 9 and 10 as part of the parent/teacher interview process.
Due to the leave and future retirement of Rob Wilson, there have been a couple of changes for next term.
We welcome Meagan Beer who will be picking up Rooms 17 & 27 on Wednesday’s and Friday’s & Bianca Topp who will be supporting our Special Education team full time.
SAPSASA Softball State Championships
Congratulations to the students from Largs Bay School who are representing Port SAPSASA this week at the State Softball Championships. The players have had a great week and learnt new skills and made new friends. Some highlights include, Holly hitting 3 home runs, Charli and Klaudia hitting 1 each.
NAPLaN Online
A reminder that testing will take place during Weeks 3 & 4 of next term. Please see last week’s newsletter for further details in regards to exemptions etc.
Term 1 Outstanding Attendance Award
This term, there were 39 children who attended school every day. Congratulations to all of them. We could only have one winner and that student was Elektra from Room 17.
As the winner, Elektra takes home a $20 Westfield voucher as well as the Outstanding Attendance Certificate for the term.
An excellent effort!!!!
Outstanding Achievement Awards – Term 1
At the end of each term, two students from each class are nominated by their teacher to receive the Principal’s Outstanding Achievement Award. The winners for this term are:
Room 3 – Morgan S & Stella R
Room 4 – Charlie B & Bodhi R
Room 5 – Zara C & Cooper W
Room 5a – Harrison M & Olivia P
Room 10 – Jarvis W & Mia Q
Room 11 – Patrick K & Sophie N
Room 12 – Nina S & Kobe F
Room 13 – Lachlan M & Kate G
Room 14 – Amelie V & Raheim B
Room 16 - Zachary H & Willow M
Room 17 – Ethan A & Ava P
Room 19 – Olive H & Ari E
Room 20 – Milla k & Nicholas B
Room 22 – James A & Keemora B
Room 23 – Thomas K & Isabelle T
Room 26 – Layla A & Abby G
Room 27 – Sunny B & Noah P
Room 29 – Lilah B & Sydney G
Room 30 – Jackson M & Jade A
Room 31 – Jackson C & Erin T
Room 32 – Devyn T & Carter B
Room 33 – Colby T & Erin O
Congratulations to all of them on such a successful term.
OSHC Outstanding Achievement Award
Tilley - Room 13
Term 2
A reminder that we recommence school next term on Monday 30th April.
Along with all the staff, I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable 2 weeks with your children and we look forward to working with you next term.
Regards Mike