Careers News

Careers News
Work Experience – Year 10 students
Year 10 students are participating in work experience from Monday 27th November – through to Friday 8th December. Student are expected to have arranged at least a 5 day placement in that time. Congratulations to the students that have organised two different locations to experience – this will really assist you with researching your future career options!
Work experience Information packs will be sent home next week. There is important information for parents to read as well as a pack that needs to go to the employer. Please remind students to ensure this paperwork goes with them on the first day of placement.
Students have all participated in Safe@ work activities and have been reminded to contact the school immediately if there are any concerns. Staff from school will be in touch during the student placement to ensure the experience is going well for all parties.
VET first year Orientation
All students doing their first year in a VET course at Chisholm in 2018 are to attend a compulsory Orientation session next Friday 24th November. Any student not having returned permission are required to do so. Parents are requested to access Compass to approve online.
UMAT 2018
Students commencing Year 12 in 2018, and planning to apply for any of the following university courses - Courses requiring the UMAT - are reminded that part of selection into these courses requires that students sit the UMAT – Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admissions Test. Students might like to browse UMAT Preparation Strategy. Applications open early in December 2017.
For more information, and/or to apply visit UMAT2018 or call (03) 8508 7643.
2017 VCAA Results
Year 12’s and 11 students who may have sat Unit 3/4 exams, are reminded that the study scores come out on Friday 15 December 2017. To access these results students can:
- Log on to Results and ATAR any time from 7.00am, Friday 15 December 2017 AEDST. This service is free and operates 24 hours a day.
- Type in your VCAA student number and where a PIN is required, type in the first four digits of your birth date, e.g. 22 August = 2208
It should be pointed out that the school is not able to release results or ATARs to parents or other parties as the results are the property of the student.
*Year 12 students are encouraged to read the attached document that has important change of preference information.
Jodie McCarthy