Secondary News

Carwatha College P-12 Music Night
On Tuesday the 14th of November we had our Annual Carwatha College P-12 Music Night. This is a night where the students involved in the college instrumental music program have the chance to showcase their work from throughout the year.
It was a fantastic night with over an hour of performances from students in years 7-11 playing a wide range of instruments from trombone to keyboard to voice to guitar. It was hosted by Hanna Garrard and Phillippa Smales of year 9, thank you to these girls who volunteered to take on this task!!
We are so proud of our talented students and to see their hard work from the year as the fine, polished performances that were presented on the evening was definitely a highlight of this year. Congratulations to all students who performed and thank you for the continued support from the college community in attending this night.
If you are interested in your child learning an instrument in 2018 places are now open. It is a very affordable program, costing only $30 per term for lessons. Students can learn trumpet, trombone and saxophone with our brass teacher Damien Maughan. Marina Novelli teaches guitar, bass guitar, drums and voice.
Please see or contact Miss. Whittaker to sign up.
7C Science Activities
On Tuesday October 24th, 7C science students learnt about why we see different phases of the moon in the night sky. As part of this lesson, they needed to model and name the 8 different phases of the moon. Students did this in two ways so that they had multiple exposure to this concept. Firstly, students showed how the different phases of the moon are created by in groups of 3, changing the amount of light (simulated by a torch) being reflected by the moon (shown by a polystyrene ball). Students were then asked to model a particular phase of the moon individually, using an Oreo biscuit. Lastly, students completed a worksheet on their own, titled ‘All about the moon’. I encourage students to look up at the night sky every now and then, and name the phase of the moon they see!
Kyla Crawford
9A Science Experiment - Static Electricity
On Thursday October 26, 9A science students performed some science activities to demonstrate static electricity. Students have been learning about energy and energy transfer lately. The focus of this lesson was how static electricity is created. Students bent a water with a charged Perspex rod, picked up confetti with a charged rod and made their hair stand on end after rubbing it with a balloon. The learning goals and success criteria for the lesson are listed below:
Kyla Crawford
Year 11 Report
It has been such nerve-racking period for the V3 students during the past few weeks. The Year 12s have been working hard on completing their last exams of high schooling and aiming to maximize their final results while the rest of us are preparing for our Unit 3/4 or 1/2 end of year exams. November 1st was the day everyone in the state who studied Unit 3/4 English sat their first exam. It was a fearful and new experience for most of the year 11s as the English exam was the first ever year 12 exam we completed. Preparations for more upcoming exams are still ongoing and the current Year 10s are underway to completing their upcoming unit 2 examinations.
As revision and guidance, teachers have aided us by giving students extra days to come back to school, ask questions and complete as much practice as possible. We are also given ‘study periods’ where we are able to spend time revising on what we wish to or need to finish and it really helps to reduce the workload we will need to complete at home.
Exams have always been such a scary experience for me, and many others, but being given the opportunity for a head start and the ability to reduce my worries over a span of three years is honestly a very rewarding opportunity in the long run.
Katrina Hoang 11A
V2 students have been under the pressure of balancing exam revision for their upcoming Unit 3&4 exams, along with their Unit 2 exams. To help ease the load of revising for heavy content subjects, the students have been attending their year 12 classes, using their time productively at school, studying with other classmates and utilising their teachers. To study for the anticipated but not so wanted exams, students have used techniques such as watching Edrolo, making chapter notes and summaries, and completing practice exam papers found on the VCAA website or exams that were given out by teachers. The V2 students who studied English, experienced their first official Year 12 examination in the big gym, on November 1st. For most students, it was a daunting experience, however, most of us could say that we do not need to worry about English anymore! Students will continue to study for upcoming exams, and may even study harder and effectively since they have experienced their first exam.
Hannah Nguyen
SRC Report
As Term 4 is a really busy and important time for our V3 students, due to exams and work-pressure, the SRC team was only able to manage to hold a casual dress day, with the theme “A Touch of Red.” We tried our best to make the most out of this casual dress day, since it was the Year 12s last and final casual dress day. The SRC team decided to run a sausage sizzle at lunch, followed by music that left everyone with good vibes on a beautiful sunny day.
Before the V3 students set off for exams, the school held a special assembly for the Year-12s, to celebrate their last day and the completion of their 13 years of schooling. The Year 12s made their most out of this day, and had the opportunity to say farewell to the school as a whole. They have been one of the greatest groups of students, and we will for sure miss them. It was great to see that most of the V3 student leaders had been part of SRC through their secondary years. This reaffirmed the value of the hard work we have done this year, highlighting how we have grown as leaders and are ready to step up and take on more responsibilities.
SRC students also volunteered to assist at the Art and Technology Show, which was again a resounding success. We were responsible for ushering, helping out with catering, showing parents around etc. We saw some amazing art work created by P-12 students. This included paintings, sketches, still lives, sculptures, woodwork, metalwork, textiles, food, photography etc. We would like to congratulate all students and staff for making this show such a success!
This term has been such a nerve-racking period for the V3 students during the past few weeks. The Year 12s have been working hard on completing their last exams of high schooling and aiming to maximize their final results while the rest of us are preparing for our Unit 3/4 or 1/2 end of year exams. November 1st, was the day everyone in the state who studied Unit 3/4 English sat their first exam. It was a fearful and new experience for most of the year 11’s as the English exam was the first ever Year 12 exams we completed. Students in the junior school have also been working very hard preparing for their upcoming major assessments and Math and English exams.
As revision and guidance, teachers have been aiding by giving students extra days to come back to school, asking questions and completing as much practice as possible. We were also given ‘study periods’ where we are able to spend time revising what we wished to or needed to finish. This really helped to reduce the home workload as well as gave us the opportunity to seek extra help and work collaboratively with our peers, helping us improve our understanding of our subjects.
Exams have always been such a scary experience for many students, but being given the opportunity for a head start and the ability to reduce our worries over a span of three years is honestly a very rewarding opportunity in the long run.
As a SRC team we are honoured to end this year with blasting memories and moments to treasure for life, and we thank the school for giving us the opportunity to work with such a great team.
Anoushka Sharma - College Council Representative