P-12 News
VCE over 3 years at Carwatha College P-12
At Carwatha College P-12 ALL students in Year 10, 11 and 12 study VCE over three years.
Carwatha College P-12 has an excellent tradition of success at the VCE level, our 2015 and 2016 Dux received ATAR results of: 98 and 95.
The College stands apart from all other secondary schools in the area as it offers the V3 program – where all senior students study VCE over three years. Students start their Unit 1 & 2 subjects at Year 10 (V1) and then spread their Unit 3 & 4 subjects over their last two years of senior school, Year 11 (V2) and Year 12 (V3). Our teaching staff are committed to assisting students to achieve success in all areas of their VCE.
Why V3?
Our Senior Years program maximises our students' chances of success. Over three years students have more choice and opportunity to complete the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Each student follows a program, which suits his or her individual needs with the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects and to retake a number of Unit 3 & 4 subjects for a second time if they choose.
Here some students tell you what they like about the V3 program at Carwatha College P-12. If you would like more information on our amazing V3 program or would like to book a tour, please contact Principal Pat Mulcahy on 9795 5848.
Newsletter Competition Winners
Congratulations to the following families who have won 20% off one child’s essential items for 2018 just for reading the newsletter! We have 3 issues remaining for 2017, if you receive the newsletter via email, you will be in the draw!
You can register your email address with the main office.
High Tea
Our special interest baking & cake decorating class presented staff with an amazing high tea during lunchtime. Students worked very hard preparing cheesecakes, scones, chocolate mousse, sandwiches, pinwheels plus other delicious sweets. A great effort from our special interest baking & cake decorating class, which is one of the class options students have while undertaking V3 studies (VCE over 3 years) at Carwatha College P-12.