Student Wellbeing

From the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing

Welcome back to term 4.  Term 4 is an exciting time in the life of the College, it is a time when we as a community reshape our learning, reflect on what we have achieved and place our study into the context of future learning.  It is the time we see the culmination of a year’s study and can acknowledge our new learning.


I hope you have had an opportunity to embrace the fullness of family life over the recent break.  School holidays provide the time to stop, reflect and reconnect with those who are dear to us in our private lives.  It is often a good time to re-evaluate patterns of behaviour from the term and to set new family goals and dreams.  I hope that the new term and the beginning of this beautiful spring weather enables you and your family to continue to embrace new ideas and experiences.


I would like to offer our students and families some advice as we enter the final assessment period coupled with examinations for the Academic School Year. The advice combines both wellbeing and learning strategies.

It is important that our students:

  • Generate goals and a plan to achieve them
  • Endeavour to be independent and resourceful
  • Be efficient and do not procrastinate

Make best use of class time:

  • Be engaged in learning; ask questions
  • Make sure you are not distracted by having too many computer screens open and that social media is not controlling you

Make study at home a routine and habit

  • 60 – 90 minutes for Years 7 & 8 each day, in a quiet space  without mobile phones or social media
  • 90 – 120 minutes for Years 9 & 10, in a quiet space  without mobile phones or social media
  • 120 – 180 minutes for Year 11 , in a quiet space  without mobile phones or social media

Make use of the resources available

  • The College library is open Monday – Friday until 4.30pm and has staff to support you
  • Maths Club is available on Monday, Tuesday & Friday; ask your Maths teacher

During the last fortnight our College community has embraced the fullness of life and acknowledged the many journeys we participate and travel in at Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College. 


Our Year 12 students have finished their formal classes and have been respectful and shown wonderful gratitude to the College community. The Year 12 Mass and Graduation Ceremony was an excellent example of partnership and community spirit.  During the evening we highlighted the importance of collegiality, a love of learning and the relationship formed between the family and the College.  We work with our families, students and one another to best meet the learning and wellbeing needs of our young women.  It is through these open partnerships that we are able to challenge one another to continue to grow in the image and likeness of Christ.  I would like to formally thank each family and individual Year 12 student who has continued to work with us in promoting learning and individual resilience.  Our Year 12 students will be future leaders in their chosen field as demonstrated in their tenacity and zeal for life.


College Uniform

All students are required to wear the full summer uniform by October 23. Be Sun Smart as we enter Spring, Students will be encouraged to wear their PE cap when sitting in non shaded areas of the College and also required to wear a hat in all PE classes.  Students are reminded to apply sunscreen before coming to school.


Student Absence

As we value each student and their learning, it is important that we are mindful that students need to arrive at school on time.  If your daughter is unwell or unable to attend school please contact College Reception before 8.30am.  When your daughter returns to school, a note explaining her absence must be provided to the Pastoral Group Teacher.


Student Safety and Wellbeing - A Child-safe School

At Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Our commitment is drawn from, and inherent in, the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety). Celebrating and affirming all young people in the Charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, we value the dignity and individuality of each person in our community and seek to live in a community guided by justice and fairness for all.


For our students to flourish academically and in all areas of their lives, it's important that they are happy and enjoy being at school. Their safety and physical and mental wellbeing are of paramount importance to us.

Where Can I go for help?

We encourage any student who feels unsafe to confide in a trusted adult or contact the College's Child Safety Officers, Mr Steven Mifsud and Ms Stacey Bourke in person or by email:


The College has psychologists who are available to help students and their families. Our wellbeing team  includes psychologists, Director of Student Wellbeing, Wellbeing Leaders, Teachers and Pastoral Group Teachers.


Steven Mifsud

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing