Visual Arts 

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman 


​Visual Arts Teachers

The Preps have been experimenting with the element of colour this term, whilst making their long neck turtles. They mixed primary colours to make secondary colours. They experimented with black and white to see what affect they would have on primary and secondary colours.

Students developed their fine motor skills by rolling balls and coils from the plasticine. Texture was also added to plasticine using a variety of tools. Well done Preps, the results are amazing.


Prep B


Prep E


Prep H


Prep P


Prep S


Year Six students reflect on their seven years of Visual Arts.

Visual Arts  has been very creative for me and a lot of others. We can draw, paint, and do way more other things to tell others what’s going through our minds. The past 7 years from scribbling to detailed paintings of animals has been an amazing experience.

Xavier 6S


Visual art has inspired me to be creative, ever since I came in the art room in grade 1 and saw all the artwork and materials I knew I would love art. Over the course of my years at Kingswood I’ve loved every subject but visual art is one of my favourites. I’ve been able to be creative and I learnt so many new things that other schools would have never thought us. Thank you for the wonderful experience I’ve had here doing visual arts.

Rochelle 6S


Over the past 7 years I have learnt that art is just another human being. It goes through emotions, has creativity and communicates with colour. I got to have fun with different types of techniques, elements, tone work and even water colour! I enjoyed making things with clay, drawing portraits of teachers and animals.

Jessica 6W


It meant sharing my work and one of my passions with the people all around me.

Josh J 6W


Art has always been my favourite because you get to express your imagination and ideas throughout your work and art is something that nothing will be the same as someone else’s.

Olivia W 6B


I have learnt a lot of different ways to paint different strategies and methods on how to paint with a paint brush.

Ben 6B