Business Matters

School Fees

We would like to remind families that Term 1 payments were due on Friday 16 February 2018.  If you have not made a payment yet please do so immediately.  Families that are experiencing financial difficulty should contact the College Business Manager, Mr Rob Malone, on 9790 8104 to discuss payment options.

Due dates are listed on the 2018 Fee Schedule.

Fee Payment Option forms

All families should have completed and returned the Fee Payment Option form.  Completion of this form is compulsory for all families, current and new.  If you have not returned the form to the Accounts Office please do so immediately.  Blank forms are available at the Accounts Office or below.

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The Victorian Government offers a yearly payment, known as the CSEF, to low income families to help them with school related costs.  Families with a means-tested Health Care Card may be eligible and should complete the form below and return it to the Accounts Office as soon as possible.