Faith and Wellbeing Assistant Principal's Report

Catholic Education Week - St Patrick's Mass

On Friday 16 March 2018 four students from Years 10 and  11 will represent the College at the annual Catholic Education Week Mass for St Patrick’s Day at the Cathedral with hundreds of students from all around the Archdiocese.  This Mass celebrates the Patron of our Diocese and brings all people together from schools around Melbourne to give thanks for all we have and ask God’s continued blessing on the schools throughout the Archdiocese.


A big thank you to the majority of students who continue to wear our uniform so well. There continues to be a few students wearing black leather runners with their uniform. A reminder that students are to have traditional black leather lace up school shoes. 

Mobile Phones

We have been continuing to remind our students this week that mobiles phones are to be used before school, after school and should not be seen at school.  Please remind your child of this, as we want our students to be focused in class on the set learning task and socialising with students during the breaks.

Supportive Students

The last few weeks we have had a few incidents where I have witnessed fantastic support offered by our students to their friends when they have been in need.  We do have beautiful students at Nazareth and it touches the heart to see the way students care for each other.


Many of our RE classes have had their lesson for confession/reconciliation. A big thank you to the priests who have been so generous in supporting us (Fr Ziolokowski, Fr Denton, Fr Arthur, Fr Sherman, Fr Rozario, Fr Madry, Fr McGinty). The students have been very positive about this gift of having this sacrament offered at school. We will continue the next few weeks so all classes have had the opportunity.

Last Weeks of Term

As we come towards the end of the Term, it is important that students keep working hard to the end and finish on a good note. Please contact us at the College if there are any concerns or things happening with your child that might be impacting their learning and helpful for us to be aware of so we can support them.


Mr Justin Duckett

Assistant Principal – Faith & Wellbeing

Student Leadership

This past week has seen the election of student leaders for each house from Year 7 to 11. Every student who nominated and gave a speech to the year level of their house is to be commended for their willingness to step up and take on this responsibility.

Our student leaders work closely with their Head of House and Year 12 leaders to support the activities of their house, assisting with house assemblies, communicating school events to the pastoral groups and helping out at College events. They will also take part in school forums, where they will provide a voice in discussing the issues that matter to them, then come up with action plans to work towards positive change.

Congratulations to our house leaders:

Archbishop's Conversation with Student Leaders

It was a great pleasure for me to accompany four Nazareth student representatives to a day of discussion and dialogue with other students from Catholic schools from across Melbourne. The day was led by Archbishop Denis Hart, and was filled with thought provoking conversation, guest speakers, meeting new friends and deep reflection about the theme of this year, ‘spreading joy’.

Here are some reflections from the students:

“On the 8th of March, Nazareth College leaders and members of St. Vincent De Paul from year 10 had the opportunity to meet the Archbishop and leaders from different school around Melbourne. The event was held at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, Braybrook VIC. We started out the day with a pray, then Archbishop Denis Hart talked about this year as the year of youth and how God wants us to share joy around our community. We were then introduce to Justine Cumbo, who told us stories that moved our hearts. We then moved into our small groups and discussed how we as leaders can bring joy to our school and community. Near the end of the event, we had the opportunity to ask the Archbishop questions, then finished off with a prayer and blessing. We had so much fun and it was such an amazing experience making new friends and learning from Archbishop Denis Hart and Justine Cumbo.” - Kevin Ho, Year 10

“Going to the Archbishop’s conference was truly eye-opening. I learnt things about myself and others that I never knew. The speeches by the Archbishop and Justine Cumbo were so simple, yet so effective. If you are offered to do this, please do it, because you get to meet new people and experience new things.” - Rebecca Munyard, Year 10

“The program allowed us to connect with ourselves as well as see the potential of our influence. I enjoyed the day and hope to be part of the upcoming events which were discussed on the day.” - Ronan Lobo, Year 10

“Today we went to Braybrook and spent a day listening to the Archbishop talk about the church in Melbourne and his experiences. We learnt that this year is a year for the youth in the church, which is the church reminding us that we don’t have to wait until we are out of school or university to help and be an active member of society, we can do it now.” - Emily Page, Year 10

It was an inspiring day, filled with hope and joy, and I was extremely proud of the respectful and dignified way that our Nazareth students participated and interacted in all activities.


Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing